Work Antics

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****this story takes place when Max was still in ETF****

After the fridge incident, I figured I should just get to work, going to the merch tent to distract me.

I let the other girl take a break, allowing me to be the alone for a bit. It gets a bit hectic, but I can handle it.

The fans are pretty nice to me, although some mutter things about me below their breaths, probably mad because of how close Ronnie and I seem.

Of course they could be jealous of the fact that he touches me. But really, it's not like they're gonna get any from him, seeing as they're 14 years old.

When one girl mutters 'whore' under her breath, I just tighten my arms and clutch the table, discreetly flexing.

Like I said before, I'm not body-builder but I got a little something something, enough to be able to reinforce my ego in a fight.

Like expected, she shuts up. I look at her to see that she's the same girl from the concert.

"Have a nice day," I grin to her, giving her a wink. The other fans just smile politely at me and thank me for the merch.

After a while the other merch girl comes back, and I make my way to the food tent. When I get there, I change my mind about the food though. I begin walking away, but then I hear a voice calling my name.

I turn around, searching for the source of the sound, and find Ronnie waving me over. He's standing with Max Green.

I walk over there, raising my eyebrows questioningly at Ronnie. "Max, meet the gorgeous Ryker, groupie extraordinaire," Ronnie says poshly. I almost don't catch his teasing tone--almost.

"Says the esteemed prick of the music industry," I retort cooly, winking at him.

Max laughs and I shake his hand, saying "nice to meet you kind sir," all pompous like in the old movies.

Later, back at the merch tent, Ronnie is just staring down my back, trying to make me uncomfortable while I work.

"What the fuck Ronnie," I say annoyingly.

"What, I'm just supervising and observing your work habits, wanna make sure you're good at this job, so you can, ya know, get a promotion or something," he grins, leaning back against his chair.

A fan runs up to us, screaming and shrieking. For a moment, I'm worried that she's gonna plow through the table and run right into us. My body tenses, and I stand rigid, with my arms braced for contact.

Of course, no such contact occurs. This isn't like rehab, this isn't like rehab, I repeat to myself.

A hand runs down my spine, relaxing my body. I mentally thank Ronnie and stare at the girl.

"Is it true? Is it? Oh it is! It is! I just know it!!" She yells, jumping up and down in joy.

"Uhh? What is?" I ask, beyond confused.

"You two!!" She squeals, taking a picture of us and running away, skipping and jumping around.

"Well, that was weird " Ronnie says, laughing slightly.

"Yeah," I breath out, collapsing on the chair.

I really need to stop with the flashbacks of rehab. No one is gonna hurt me, no one is trying to hurt me.

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