Bonus Chapter 12

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For as long as I can remember, Ronnie and I have been together. I don't want to remember what it was like before I met him. I remember the day I met him clearly.

We went to the same high school. We were in different bands at the same school, so there was definitely a rivalry between our bands.

They were called the 'Lefties' and they tried out for a school talent show. My band was in the crowd, having already tried out.

Ronnie's mic had dropped during the performance, and my band had nearly shit themselves laughing. I felt bad though, and there was something intriguing about Ronnie......

I jumped on stage and put the mic back on the stand, then sat down like nothing had happened. Later, he motioned me over and asked me if I wanted to come over for his band practice. For whatever reason, I said yes.

I went over, and he heard me play. So he asked me if I wanted to quit my band and join his band. Something about him made me say yes. And so our friendship began.

I don't think I could of made it through high school without him. He did drop out, but we went through a lot together. Did a lot of stuff together, broke the law together.

We were like a package deal.

I remember we used to dress up as Mormons and stuff to steal from grocery stores to get by and survive. We would walk in the front and grab the baskets, walking through the aisles and then meet in the middle. We would get microwaveable stuff mostly, easy to make in a short time.

It's illegal for stores to lock their fire exits, so we would kick the doors open and fucking run while the alarm went off. We ended up getting on tv for it, not like actually us because they didn't catch us ever, but just us as in the 'people' who were stealing from the stores.

The cops started sitting out back waiting for us. Ronnie was so paranoid, but it was a good thing, because one time he made us go around back just to check, and sure enough there was a cop with their lights off facing the fire exit. We would've been caught if he hadn't made us check. We went across the street and stole from that store instead.

Or one time, Ronnie lit a gas can on fire and stuck a stick in it. Everyone else looked at him like he was insane, swinging around the fiery gas can. But I just walked up to him and asked if I could try it.

He thought a while as I took my turn, and said "wait maybe we shouldn't do this, the gas can will explode"

But I was just like "nah" and kept waving it around.

Then, heh, then the gas can swung off the stick, flew over the fence, and landed in the street. It blew up in the road, and a fire truck came blaring over. Ronnie and I ran inside. Oh we had laughed so hard about that.

I started to laugh at the memory, uncontrollably. It made the others uneasy, but hell, I didn't care. I had finally found a funny memory that didn't make me so sad. It numbed the pain, remembering fun memories like that.

Ronnie and I, we were so similar, it was like we were meant to be friends. We were separated for 5 years, and we were still so similar. People said that our mannerisms were similar, our personalities, how we acted. You can't fake that. Our friendship was real, since we were away from each other for so long and still acted like each other.

And, we had the same birthday, December 15th. It was so crazy when we found out. He thought I was shitting him. I thought he was joking. We were sitting on his couch. I had snuck in since I wasn't allowed at the house with his dad being strict and his stepmom being a fucking shit.

We were parts of a whole, destined to be friends.

I missed Ronnie.

I didn't know Ryker very well, but the few times I had spoken to her she had seemed pretty cool. She was chill, but at the same time you could sense something blazing deep within her. She was flirty, cocky, and somewhat arrogant. Hell, she was as close as you could get to a female Ronnie.

They complimented each other nicely, being similar in some ways and different in others. It kept it interesting.

I hope she was okay. Not just because Ronnie liked her, but because I wanted her to be okay.

Her and Ronnie both.

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