Attempt Escape

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The days started to get darker, nights losing their glow. I lost count of the nights. I never knew what time it was; it didn't matter anyways. Day or night, either way I was still trapped.

One night, I heard Him scrambling towards me. It sounded like He was having trouble. I wonder if the land was coated in snow, or what was happening. Maybe there were fallen leaves and it had rained so it was slippery. Maybe there was ice and He was going slow so that He wouldn't slip.

I heard Him curse under His breath, and I knew I would pay for whatever it was that happened up there. Somehow, it would be my fault that He slipped and fell.

I heard the creak of a trap door opening, and a light came shining down, blinding me. What was it? It wasn't the sun, wasn't the moon.

He came stomping down, and pointed the flashlight in my face. He smirked, and I wondered why. He was probably laughing at how ragged He had made me look. He was probably smirking at all the blood crusted to my face. He was probably smirking at the bruises, the gashes. He was probably smirking at how horrible I look.

The light hurt my eyes, so I closed them and moved my hands to cover my face. "Look at me bitch" He snarled, testing me. I didn't move. "Look!" He repeated, getting mad. I kept my eyes closed, but moved my hands down to my sides. "Look" He said again, spitting the words out of His teeth.

I opened my eyes slowly, looking at the light. It hurt, but then my eyes adjusted, and I focused on the flashlight. As He started to come closer, I could see the details. It looked heavy, with a metal outside. Heavy, and made of metal. I wonder....

Maybe if I could get the flashlight away from Him, I could hit Him on the head. If I could get Him unconscious, I could escape and trap Him down here! See how He likes to be down here day in and day out. If I could just get the flashlight, then I could be free. I could be free, and I could find Ronnie, if he was still alive. And I could end this once and for all.

I kept my eyes on the flashlight, waiting for Him to come close enough. If I attacked before He hit me, He wouldn't expect it. I needed to get that flashlight!

I waited until He leaned down to peer into my face and kick me in the gut. I needed to time it perfectly. When should I do it? Before He kicked me, or after He kicked me? If I did it after He kicked me, then I could pretend to lean over in pain, and then lunge for the flashlight.

I waited for the kick, and when I felt it, I let out an "oof" and leaned over like my stomach was killing me. It was, but I couldn't let that stop me. This could be my only chance to escape! I couldn't fail, not now. I was so close!

I curled over, and sneaked a glance up. He was smirking down at me, holding the flashlight loosely at His side. I rocked my hips back and then lunged forward. I grabbed the flashlight and ripped it out of His hand.

I can't believe it, I actually did it! But, I was scared, if I stayed to hurt Him then He would overpower me for sure. I had to run for it! I panicked and darted towards the ladder, desperately climbing it.

I nearly reached the top. I could smell the fresh air, I could taste it. I was almost free! The air was so clean, and I could almost imagine a wind flowing through my hair. It had been so long since I had felt wind, so long since I had felt air that hadn't been circulating underground, recycled from my lungs.

Then He grabbed my hips and jerked me back. I gripped tightly onto the ladder, but He was holding me too tight, and I was too weak. I fell backwards and fell on my back. It cracked painfully, and I couldn't breath. But I had to get up, I had to escape!

I scrambled up and ran back to the ladder, trying one more time. He grabbed me and twisted me around, jerking me into the wall. I hit it and stood up to face Him. I couldn't escape with Him here!

I ran at Him, holding the flashlight above my head, ready to arc it down at His head. The light bounced off the walls, making shadows that moved and slinked around the rooms.

He stood still, leering at me. He knew I couldn't do it. I knew I couldn't do it. But I had to try...

I got close, and started to bring my arm down, ready to slam His head. He grabbed my wrists easily, stopping my motion in less than a moment. And all the energy and hype I had from almost escaping left my body. I slumped, giving up, and the flashlight fell from my now limp hands.

He pushed me back viciously, slamming me against the wall. I whimpered, tears creeping out of my eyes. "You wanna try to escape huh? You think you can escape me? YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE ME!" He screamed in my face, spit flying at me.

He held my wrists tightly, clenching them till it felt like there was no circulation going to my hands. My hands stretched out, my fingers flaring, trying to loosen His grip.

He slammed me against the wall again, and I started to get light-headed. My head sort of drooped to the side. He kept yelling at me, but I couldn't understand what He was saying.

He threw me to the floor and hit me on the head with the flashlight. My body spasmed, and slumped to the ground, falling in and out of reality.

"You'll never escape me" He whispered to me.

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