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I sat on the couch by an open window, listening to the reporters talking. This was so stupid! Are they even allowed to be here? If they don't get the fuck out soon, I'll never be able to get away and find Ronnie!

I scowled, glaring out the window at all the fucktwat's that were ruining Ronnie's life. Go find some other scandal, or better yet, fucking report about catastrophic events and important world events! Leave us alone!

Ryan came in with a big poster-board and I looked at him in confusion. What was it for? He grinned at me and turned it over, and I started laughing.

A giant "FUCK OFF" board to give to the reporters. I helped him tape it up, quickly running back inside before the reporters could storm me again.

I stared out at the reporters for hours, desperately waiting for them to leave already. I needed to find Ronnie, I needed to talk to him, I needed to, I don't know what else I needed to do, but I needed to find him.

Then, a girl, I'm guessing it was a fan at Warped, walked up to the reporters.

They didn't seem interested, until the girl said something and they automatically all turned their complete attention to her. This was my chance! I couldn't go out the door, that would make too much noise. So then where?

I stood up on the couch, opened the window as wide as it would go, and crawled through the opening. I slipped and fell to the ground, and the window slammed shut above me.


The reporters turned to see what the noise was, and they saw me. I didn't wait to see if they would chase me, I just got up and started running.

Where should I go? The woods? No, I might run into Him and the reporters might catch it on video. The town! If I could make it out of warped, then maybe I could lose the reporters in a crowd of people at town, and then I could focus on finding Ronnie.

I pushed myself as fast as I could go, just barely keeping ahead of all the reporters. I thanked fate that the reporters were all dressed up in high heels and tight skirts, slowing them down.

I hightailed it out of there, slinking through the crowds of fans and out into the town. I would find Ronnie, but first where to lose these reporters?

I could hear them behind me, and I could tell that they were still reporting the story even as they ran-they're dedicated, I'd give them that.

I wish they weren't so determined to fucking cover this supposed 'story' of theirs, it was really fucking everything up.

Just when things started getting a bit better, and a whole lot nicer, the world just had to decide to accuse Ronnie of abusing me.

I ran through the crowds, slinking between couples and families, darting across streets and past stores. I thought I heard Max's voice at some point, but I was too scared to stop-if I did, I'd no doubt get caught by the reporters. I needed to get free of them first, then I could look for Ronnie.

I darted into an alley, not expecting anyone to be in there, and ending up banging right into someone, causing both of us to fall.

I whispered a sorry and crawled behind a dumpster. I listened intently, sighing in relief when I heard then pounding footsteps of the reporters and cameramen come and go, fading away into silence.

"Im sorry, they were chasing me" I said to the person I had run into, standing up and turning towards them.

When I saw who it was, I gasped.

"Oh no" I whimpered, pressing my back against the wall.

"Oh no is right bitch" He said, glaring at me, "I heard you were on the news, you whore. I'll have to watch it tonight, see what kind of things you've been up to while I was gone."

So he hadnt seen it yet, Oh, thank hell for that, I still had time to find Ronnie before He could get to him. At long last, one good thing has finally happened to me.

"Ready whore?" He growled at me, and I started crying. A tiny part of me had thought maybe, just maybe I was finally done with this.

But of course I wasn't, I would never be free, and I didn't deserve to be free from it, I deserved the pain, I deserved the beatings, I deserved all of it. I was a whore, I was a slutbag, I was a whiney little bitch.

I felt cut off from everything, from feeling, as it happened. I could tell it was happening, but it was like I was under anesthesia, not really feeling it happen.

Then, he slammed my head against the wall, and I was snapped out of it, immediately feeling everything in it's entirety.

I felt all the pounding pain, all the stinging sensations, every part of it. He was going hard at it, punching and kicking and slamming every part of me.

Every single part of me burned, everything stung, everything resonated with intense pain.

"You should've known better than to think you were free of me. You, you belong to me, and only me. You'll always belong to me, I'm the only one who wants you whore. You're mine" He whispered in my ear, making my body shudder with chills.

Then, he picked up something from the ground and slammed it against my temple. I fell down in a heap, losing consciousness.

His cowboy boots faded in and out of my vision, the last thing I saw before black.

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