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My heart beat in crazy patterns as I felt the time pass. Night was getting closer, I could feel it. The anticipation was killing me, I felt as if I would burst and combust from all the pent-up anxiety.

I was hoping that the adrenaline would course through my veins so that I would have the energy to pull this off. This was it. If I didn't beat Him with this, it was all over for me. I might as well use the glass to slit my throat and end it all if this didn't work, because this was the last chance, my only fucking chance. If I fucked this up, it was all over, the end.

I went over what I would do a thousand times in my head, thinking of all the possible uses, all the possible injuries I could inflict. Then, I finally mustered up the courage to grab the lightbulb.

It was high up, so I had to jump a bit before I finally reached it. I held on tight and clenched my fist, and the lightbulb shattered in my hand. The light went out, and I was engulfed in darkness. I was terrified, but I knew it would help me.

The glass cut into my hand, but I ignored the pain-it hardly hurt more than anything I've gotten before. I hurt so much, what was one more cut, one more wound? It was nothing really.

I wiped the blood on my shirt so that my hand wouldn't be slippery, and then I picked up as many shards as I could find, and held them in my fists.

And then, I waited.

Waited for Him to come.

Waited for the opportunity.

Waited for my chance.

Waited to escape.

I was scared, I was worried, I was anxious, I was nervous. But a part of me was looking forward to it, hoping that it would work. I could once and for all end all my trouble with Him, I could be okay. I could be free, if I did this right. I couldn't afford to fuck it up, I couldn't.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself, and then I heard His car approach. I gulped in and began to wail, screaming and crying. Time to act...

"P-Please, please come help me! The lightbulb-it turned off! Its so dark down here, please come down I'm scared, I'm so scared, I don't want to be alone in the dark" I yelled to Him, luring Him in. I knew I had to explain why it was dark, so I pretended that the light had blown out-though it wouldn't have been much of a surprise if it had.

I heard Him move the wood covering the entrance, and then there was a clammer He was crawling down. I hid right next to the ladder, being as inconspicuous as possible. But if I was quiet He'd be suspicious.

I started breathing heavily, as if in fear. I heard His little snicker, muttering to Himself about how I was such a wimp, scared of the dark, saying He'd show me something to be scared of, and it wouldn't be the goddamn dark.

I heard Him get close to the ground, felt Him near me, and I waited till He had put His foot on the ground, then I stuck a piece of glass in Him, maybe His leg, I don't know. He yelled and it sounded like He had fallen backwards. I stumbled around, looking for Him.


I clenched my teeth and my foot found Him, so I threw my arm down and stabbed another piece into Him. I kept putting different pieces of glass into wherever I could reach, then darting away to avoid Him catching me with His flailing arms.

But then He caught my ankle and dragged me to the floor. I fell painfully and my back cracked. He dug His nails into my skin and He grabbed at me. And I had dropped the glass shards in my fall! I splayed me hands out, searching. But I could only find one, a very small one.

He had gotten me, and I only had 1 piece of glass left....

He pulled me up and began to choke me, shaking me. I hid the glass in my hand and reached out, trying to find His face. "I SWEAR, I COULD FUCKING KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" He screamed at me. My blood was boiling, adrenaline pumping, so I screamed in his face, as my hands found His neck, "I COULD FUCKING KILL YOU"

Then, I pushed the glass through my finger tips, lodging it in the side of His neck.

He dropped me, screaming, and I darted away, searching for the ladder. I was so scared, so scared. What if I failed like last time? What if-what if I didn't make it? Would He kill me? Would I die down here?

I tried to keep quiet so He wouldn't know where I was, and I finally found the ladder. I began to climb it, terror pushing me faster. All the while I expected hands on my ankles, ripping me back into my pit, but I didn't feel it.

And I reached the top and rolled off, pulling the ladder up to the ground. I slammed the board on top of the pit and began piling as many rocks on top of it as I could. I never wanted Him to be able to get out, not on His own.

Maybe the cops would find Him.

My adrenaline was running out, no longer pumping, so I left the pit, stumbling to my feet. I began to run.

And as I ran, I felt the air, felt the wind in my face, felt the moon shining down on me. And I smelled the world, smelled the pine, smelled the flowers, smelled everything.

I became so elated, so happy. I was free! I was fucking free!

I ran until my energy drained to nothing.

I was still in the forest, and there was still only forest as far as my eyes could see. How far had I made it? How far did I have to go?

I collapsed onto the ground, my hands feeling the grass beneath me.

I was exhausted. I was starving. I was completely out of energy. I was utterly lost. I was in so much pain I don't know how my body didn't just cave in under all the weight and pain.

But I was fucking free.

I dug my hands into the grass, feeling the soft, itchy shoots. It was so much better than the dirt and rock I had been laying on for far too long.

I gripped the grass in my fists, and passed out.

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