Bonus Chapter 14

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It's been 3 months. Ronnie's still in a coma, Ryker's still missing, and everyone's still a mess.

Max, Ryan and I are paying for a room at a motel down the street. It's a small, dingy little thing, with 2 twin beds, a couch, and a bathroom. We spend all day at the hospital, go back to the room at midnight, and then come back to the hospital at 6 o'clock.

We're still in Ohio. And we'll be in Ohio until Ronnie wakes up, or dies. I don't want to think about it. But it's going to be 4 months in 2 days, and it's not looking good for Ronnie. If he's in a coma for much longer, the doctors will give up and ask us if they can let him go.

He hasn't improved a bit. His condition is slowly getting worse as time goes by.

I wonder where Ryker is. Could it have something to do with the person who was hurting her? I remember the day I saw her in Ronnie's bed, so broken. When she woke up, she had freaked out, shaking and crying. She trembled even in her sleep. She was so scared. So scared. Who made her like that?

Who made Ryker, a flirty, sarcastic, near female version of Ronnie, reduced to a skinny, unhealthy-looking, battered girl scared to death of everything? Who did this to her?

Was she still alive? Was she alright? Would she ever come back?

I missed her. She didn't talk much once the bruises started to show up, but she was still a part of the group. Her presence was still with us even when she didn't talk. I really hope she was okay.

If Ronnie woke up and she wasn't here, he would be heartbroken. But no one would listen to me, no one would believe me that she could be in trouble. She's been missing for 3 months and not one search party has gone out to look for her. The only people looking for her are bounty hunters who want to get paid for bringing in a 'wanted criminal'. And they weren't having any luck finding her.

It was getting late. The nurses were looking at us in that way. I knew they were waiting for us to leave so they wouldn't have to kick us out. I sighed, and Max, Ryan and I got up.

We walked out of the hospital, our feet heavy, our thoughts heavier.

Ryan drove us home, wiping his eyes every once in a while and sniffling. Max looked out the window blankly, tears rolling down his cheeks. My eyes watered at memories of Ronnie.

When would we get him back?

I sat on the bench outside while Ryan and Max went to the hotel room. Max would shower and Ryan would lay on his bed and shake with suppressed sobs.

I would stay out here for a while, watch the moon rise in the sky, then go inside and try to sleep for a few hours. It was hard to sleep, my dreams were more of nightmares, imagining Ronnie getting hit with the car and Ryker being taken or killed.

A car drove into the lot at around 2 in the morning, it's lights blinding me. I was unsettled by it, everyone at the motel would be in bed by now. Who was it?

The car turned off, and the door opened slowly. A dark hooded figure came out and walked towards me slowly. Who....?

"Pal" I said in relief, recognizing the face, "You scared me man, I thought you were someone about to hurt me"

He looked me in the eyes and said "I am", a strange smirk on his face. The same smirk he got when he spoke of going to 'see' his dead girlfriend.

I was confused, was he joking with me? Why would he want to hurt me?

I started to speak, but his fist swung out and collided with my cheek. I yelled in pain and fell to the ground.

I could probably take him, or at least give him a bit of a fight.

But he pulled something out from behind his back and soon he was beating me with a hard metal thing. A crowbar? A pipe? I didn't know.

I rolled over onto my back, shielding myself with my arms, all the while yelling in pain.

He kept hitting me, the metal hitting my arms, and then I heard a crack.

My arm was killing me. Was it broken? I started to cry, the pain was so much more than I could have expected. How did Ryker go through this every night and still manage to walk, or even stand the next day?

He hit me one last time and then ran off, his tires squealing against the pavement as someone ran towards me, their footsteps echoing on the concrete.

I closed my eyes, pain pounding throughout my body my body.

Why did this happen?


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