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****howre my lovelies? This ones short sorry****

After the run-in with the doctor, Ronnie stayed in his chair. After we laughed from awkward embarrassment, we went back to being somewhat casual. Ronnie was telling me about how the tour was almost over. He asked me to move in with him after to tour. He wanted me to live with him...

I was having the ultimate fangirl moment, and I could hardly keep it contained. My delusional dreams of Ronnie falling for me when I was a young teenager, they were actually coming true! Not in the way that I had imagined, I never imagined that I would be raped and beaten constantly, but still.

The doctor knocked quickly before walking into the room. Ronnie held my hand, and I couldn't help but giggle at how he sat up stiffly when the doctor came in.

The doctor said he had to take me somewhere. I was unhooked from the machines, long needles pulled out of my sore arms. What-?

Ronnie helped me shift over onto a wheelchair and then the doctor wheeled me out of the room. I looked back to see Ronnie standing there staring out at me. Then the walls covered his face and I no longer saw him.

What was happening?

As I was being pushed down the hallways, I looked around at the whitewashed walls, seeing concerned visitors and broken looking patients. It looked too pristine, too clean. It was rather dreary actually. I felt hopeless.

I felt the fear coming on strong, irrational fear that I was going to be trapped here forever. Fear that I would end up like that confused old lady waddling around pulling a liquid bag thing on a stand. How long had she been here? And how long would she stay here? Till she died?

How long would I be here? Till I died?

I was wheeled into a room surrounded by stiff doctors with no faces. It looked like eyes were floating in the black emptiness with floating caps and floating mouth guards. They didn't look like people.

"D-doctor what's going on?" I asked, a bit unsettled. I was scared, I admit. The doctor had said everything was going fine before, so what was happening now?

"It turns out that your arm isn't healing properly. We looked at some scans and your arm is infected" the doctor told me, his eyebrows scrunching down gravely. "I-I don't understand, I thought everything was fine" I said nervously.

What would happen to me? Would I lose my arm?

"The bullet that John used to shoot you the second time was coated with some sort of chemical, and when it hit you, the bullet shattered and shards of it were embedded in your arm, and now it's releasing the chemicals into your bloodstream and infecting you. So far it's mainly hurting your arm, but if we wait too long then it could spread to your entire body. If it makes it to your heart then your body will be finished" the doctor said, and I jerked up in shock, breathing deeply.

He-He poisoned me? Shot and poisoned me? Is that what happened? Oh no he couldn't just shoot me twice, he just had to poison one of the bullets, just to make sure I was extra dead?

The doctor noticed my terror, and he said "now wait, don't worry-" I interrupted him, shrilly saying "Dont WORRY? I could die!"

"Don't worry, were going to fix it right now, but we'll have to put you under and it will be a 2-4 hour procedure" the doctor told me, and I looked around to see the other, faceless doctors moving in on me. I shook my head fearfully, whimpering "no" softly.

They didnt listen.

And soon, a mask was held over my mouth and I tried to hold my breath but after a while i couldn't handle it. I took gasping breaths and the anesthesia spread through my body.

I blacked out thinking of if Ronnie knew what was happening. I hope he wasn't worrying about me...

The darkness pulled me down.

The Drug In Me (Ronnie Radke Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon