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****sorry my lovelies, I know you hate me. But if everything was happy then there wouldn't be a sequel to write, so.....
This chapters kind of cute, although sad..maybe?****

I opened my eyes to look down the barrel of a gun. I wasn't surprised. I knew this would happen. I just wish Ronnie wasn't here.

I knew it would come to this. It always did. When would I ever learn? When would I know to not bring other people into my life? He would just kill them. And it was my fault. Always my fucking fault! Ronnie almost died because of me, and I still let him near me, and now he would die because of it! God damn it, when would I learn?

I didn't deserve to have anyone near me. I shouldn't have anyone near me. I only killed people, only brought them down. I brought them nothing but bad things!

Ronnie had heard it too, and he stood up and turned around, shielding me. "John" I said emotionlessly, giving in to the situation. I accept that I would die. But I wouldn't let Ronnie die in the process. He had already almost died because of me, I wouldn't let it happen again.

"You know I have no problem shooting him first, then you, my bitchy little baby?" John said, smirking. He laughed a little and held the gun out, closing one eye like He was aiming. Then He made a bang sound and threw His arm up as if the gun had been fired. He was playing with me.

I moved out from behind Ronnie, but Ronnie just moved with me, still shielding me. "Ronnie, its no use! Hes going to kill me either way, and you shouldn't have to die for me! I'm not worth it! One of us should be able to get out of this alive, and it won't be me" I said, pleading with him.

I was crying, but not because I had a violent psychopath who was going to kill me. I was crying because I didn't want Ronnie to be hurt. We hadn't had enough time together, but what time we did have was fucking amazing. I loved it, I loved him, love him. He didn't deserve to be hurt, especially not because he was protecting me.

I wasn't worth it.

"Ry, I can't just step away and let him kill you!" Ronnie said, tensing his arms. I smiled sadly, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Ronnie, step out of the way, Im not worth it" I said, moving my hand to where his shoulder met his neck. I rubbed my fingers across his neck and he slumped, but he didn't move.

"Ryker, you are worth it, I love you! I'm not going to do it. I took the hit for you before, and I'll do it again. I always will, I cant let you get hurt. That's what love is" Ronnie said, standing taller and wrapping his arms around his back, holding me still with his hands.

A few tears poured out. Was it true? Did he really, truly love me? He was willing to get shot and die for me.

He was right. Thats what love is. But he forgot, I love him. So I would take a hit for him. I wouldn't let him get shot for me. I would take the bullet so he didn't have to.

John scoffed and frowned. "He doesn't really love you Bitch, Hes just saying that. He wants your body, that's all" He said to me, glaring. I shook my head and looked Him in the eyes. I wouldn't let Him manipulate me like always. I was going to face Him, and I wasn't going to let Him hurt anyone else. Only me. And then maybe it would be over for good, and everyone else would be safe.

"That's not true Ry, I love you! You know that," Ronnie asked, shaking a bit. I didn't answer at first, as Ronnie turned his head. "I love you Ry" he said, and I nodded. "I love you too Ronnie" I said, and Ronnie turned back to John.

"I won't let you hurt her. She doesn't belong to you, she's a person! And she's not a bitch, she's a beautiful, kind human being. She doesn't deserve what you do to her" Ronnie said, clenching his fists a bit.

I started to cry a bit more, hearing Ronnie say that. Did he really believe it? Did he really think I was beautiful and kind? Did he really think I didn't deserve it? Really?

"I love Ronnie, and for whatever reason, he loves me. And I won't let you ruin that for me. Ronnie is amazing, perfect. And you're just a sexual sadist asshole. And maybe the reason you're so mean is because you feel like you need to make up for your shriveled little dick" I said, spitting the words out, pouring all the anger I had at Him out, finally, after 6 years.

"Why, you little-!" John yelled, stepping forward with His hand up to smack me, but Ronnie puffed his chest out more and John stopped.

I cowered behind Ronnie out of instinct, but I stood talk again, getting read to take the bullet for Ronnie. I swear I won't let him get hurt again.

"I-I am the real one for you, god damnit! not this little cunt" John said, aiming the gun for real this time.

I heard John pull the trigger slowly, and my eyes whipped to the street where I saw long hair flowing away from a blurry face, like someone was running towards us.

Then I swung myself around Ronnie and stood tall in front of him, holding my arms out to cover him. I stared into his eyes as he screamed for me, and I whispered, "sorry" to him.

Then I felt blinding pain as the bullet tore through my back and went into my body, breaking and tearing my insides.

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