Nosy Interviewer

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Once I finished the pizza, I looked around and found my favourite possessions.

My weights.

I started lifting them, already feeling stress lifting off of me, pulled out of my body with the sweat. Back in prison, the guards let us use the weight rooms, but they always had weapons drawn and pointed at us. I guess they were scared we'd use the weights to kill someone, primarily them. It was hard to get in the zone with a dozen guns aimed at you.

I don't know how long I was lifting, but I hadn't even felt an unbearable burn yet when there was obnoxious knocking on the door.

I got up, still clutching the 20 pound weights, and walked to the door, looking though the peep-hole to see the same annoying interviewer from earlier this morning.

I rolled my eyes and snuck out back, before walking around the block. I don't know how much she knows about me, but I'd rather the whole world didn't know where I live.

When I got back to the house the lady was still pounding on the door. When she saw me she ran at me, and out of instinct I stood tall and braced myself for impact.

Of course, she never collided with me, because after all, this isn't prison.

"So, I see you got your hair all clean," she said. I nodded, still uncomfortable. "Okay, a lot of people have been blowing up our website with questions. It appears you have a fan-base. How does that make you feel?" She looked at me encouragingly.

"Uhhh, confused I guess, I haven't done anything with my life, so I'm not sure why they like me. But, give it to me. The questions, I mean," I say, rubbing the back of my neck and playing with my hair, which I had styled to spike out in different directions.

"Okay, well, one of the most asked question was, what did you do in prison, and d anything bad happen?" She looked down at a notecard that probably had all the questions on it.

"Well, I mostly worked out when I was in jail. Back in the correctional facility, I got into hard drugs from someone else, and so I had to go through rehab for that. Someone suggested I tried to do something else to pass time when I was going through withdrawal, and so I started working out again, and it sort of stuck. And I assume you're asking if anyone tried to rape or hurt me or something, so no. Sure, some of the girls were coming at me, trying to hurt me. But I just showed 'em my arms, and they backed off," I said, flexing my arms for good measure.

"Oh, wow," the lady muttered under her breath. I just smirked and winked into the camera.

"Okay, I have time for one or two more questions, but I really have to get going soon," I say, feigning sadness. In all truth, I couldn't wait to get away from this lady and the camera.

"Ok, well, top 10 hottest celebrities," she asks me.

I laughed, and said "Andy Biersack, Kellin Quinn, Ronnie Radke, Jeremy Thirteenth, Ashley Purdy, Johnny Depp, Jared Leto, and uh I should probably stop there before I freak out. I really have to go now, goodbye."

I waved and walked away before she could respond.

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