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****Thanks to all of you who read, and vote and comment <3. any of those 3 or a mix or anything really, I couldn't do it without you :)

I was going to separate this into 2 chapters but I realize that I may be stressing you out, so here it is, the final court chapter.

Don't stop reading, or eat me please! But I don't mind if you send CC after me ;) ****

I sat in my seat, shaking and bouncing my foot, anxious for it to be over. When would it end? When would it fucking end?

I nearly yelled in relief when Winston came back to the stand. Everyone stood up, and this time I gripped the table and managed to stay standing. Winston said something about getting closure, but I couldn't hear anything over the sound of my beating heart.

It felt like my heart was beating so fast that it would create a swirling black hole inside me and suck in all my organs until I collapsed into myself and exploded.

But maybe I was overthinking it...

Or not. I could be right. At this point, anything could happen.

All I knew was that I was terrified, and within the next hour, I would know His fate. I just hoped that it was a fate of prison, not freedom.

I noticed that I was the only one still standing up. Everyone had sat down, and I was there like a doof standing up...

I sat down quickly and gasped in pain. I clutched my stomach and leaned over, resting my head on the table. God damn it, what the hell did He hit me with because it shouldn't hurt this much.....

Maybe it's because I'm already injured. It's probably because of my bruised ribs.... Of course, why didn't I think of that before? Shit....what part of me wasn't fucked, broken, or in pain?

I leaned back up and looked up at Winston.

"Would the defendant please make their final statement" Winston asked, and Mr. Cryle walked to the front of the room and started to talk.

"My client pleads not guilty to the court. I hope you all can see the truth in my words, because I am the only one in this very room who will tell the truth.

Ms. Mathews is a lying, disturbed young girl who was obsessed with dating my client when she was in the detention and rehabilitation center, and then when she got out she fell into the grip of an even more disturbed person than her, Mr. Radke, who proceeded to beat her. Scared to lose her supposed 'love', Ms. Mathews decided to blame the beatings on my client, who only wanted to help. My client reached out to her, as he commonly does for people who leave the correctional facility. I rest my case, my client is innocent, and the only thing he's guilty of is being a caring, attractive person."

Mr. Cryle went back to his chair and sat down, leaning back and crossing his arms around his chest.

He was too over confident, too cocky, too repulsive. I couldn't bear to look at him, especially when he was so near to Him...

I shivered and gulped before scooting my chair back, getting ready to stand up. I braced myself and closed my eyes, taking more breaths.

"Would the plaintiff's lawyer please make their final statement" Winston said, and I stood up and limped out with Mr. Sullivan. I wasn't going to say much, I was mostly there so that Mr. Sullivan could show everyone the bruises and look as meek and lost as possible to sway the jury.

I hung my head in fear and gulped as Mr. Sullivan started talking. "My client, Ms. Mathews, was taken advantage of by an older man, Mr. Hastings, an older man who was supposed to be helping her and looking out for her well being, not destroying it. He is the one who raped and beat her, and its time that Ms. Mathews gets the justice she's been needing for nearly 5 years" Mr. Sullivan said.

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