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**** please don't give up on this story, even later when it gets down and bad, because please I promise you I have big plans and it won't be like this forever ****

My phone dinged, and I looked at it to see 2 text messages from Echo and Luna. Echo said "You okay?", and Luna said "You still alive?"

I sent a text to the both of them saying "Im fine, Ronnie didn't kill me, only chewed my ear off. Meet me at the Falling bus, I'm taking you out to dinner to apologize, I'm sorry for ruining your breakfast plans"

Then I stood up and fixed my clothes, pulled on some vans, and grabbed my Falling In Reverse wolf vest. I put a couple belts on and then I was set.

I grabbed some money and then I knocked on the bathroom. "Ronnie?" I called, and through the door I heard a muffled "yeah babe?" I blushed, smiling slightly.

Babe...he called me babe...

"Babe?" I heard again, and I realized I hadn't said anything after he responded.....oops.

I heard a chuckle and I cleared my throat, saying "I'm going out with Echo and Luna, I'll text you in a few hours"

Then I ran out before I could make more of an embarrassment of myself.

I stood outside of the bus, leaning against it and waiting for the girls to come.

Had they gotten my text?

Maybe they were out, and hadn't seen it.

Maybe they're ignoring you...

Maybe they deleted it and laughed

They hate you!

No, shut up! Stop it, just-stop!

It was their idea to hang out in the first place!

It's all a ruse, it's a trick

They want you to think they like you

So that they can embarrass you

Expose you...

Make a fool of you.....

No! No, that's not true!

I guess they don't know that you're already a fool

You don't need them to show everyone

Everyone already knows...

No! No that's not true! You don't know what you're talking about!

I started shaking, trembling, close to crying.

What I wimp I was..


You're a pathetic little pussy!

No, shut up!

I was interrupted from my torturous mind by Luna's voice calling me over, and soon I was attacked, slammed against the bus as Luna threw herself onto me in a hug.

"So, how'd you survive? Did you use your lady lumps? You did, didn't you! Oh Ronnie, he just couldn't resist could he?" Luna teased, smirking at me. I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head.

"Oh my god, you did! You actually did use your body to get out of trouble!! Damn, nice skills!" She said, nudging my shoulder. "I-I, no!" I stuttered, embarrassed.

"Well, where are you taking us out for this hot date? Im not a cheap date you know.." Luna said, winking at me. I laughed a little, and led them towards town. "I actually didn't think that far, I haven't been here for long, I don't know what's here" I admitted, looking at them sheepishly.

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