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****I'm off on my spring break so I don't know when I'll have wifi cause I'm traveling, but here's a chapter to get you by my lovelies. Also, there's a hint as to His identity in this, so look closely!****


I felt horrible. My muscles ached from running and my body was sore from the months and months of abuse. I-I don't know why I'm still alive, how am I still alive?

I stretched out on the grass, but it didn't feel like grass. It wasn't itchy, it was more rather soft and smooth, sliding against my bruised and cut skin painlessly. What? Was I in a bed?

Was that all a dream? Was I back on the tour bus, back with Ronnie and the others?

But this was too quiet to be the bus. Then where was I? I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn't move. I stretched out my fingers and felt things coming out of my arms. I began to panic. Oh no, was this His bed? Had He brought me to His house and tied me to His bed? I heard beeping sounds and I began to shake, trying to move in an a controlled fashion and get up.

I lay still, breathing deeply, trying to stay calm. I took deep breaths and relaxed my body, and then I tried again. This time, I kept my body still, but my eyes flicked open.

The light was blinding. I hadn't seen this much light in forever, it hurt my eyes. I scrunched them shut and then tried again, slowly. It hurt, but my eyes adjusted eventually and I could see clearly. There was a sort of tiled ceiling, with lights blazing down on me.

I looked down to see a bunch of machines next to the bed, feeding tubes into my arms and connected to my chest. All the machines had different wavelengths shown on their screens. They must be heart monitors and who knows what else. My face was covered by tubes that were fed into my nose. I reached up to feel them, and I sighed.

I was in a hospital. I had escaped, and I was in a hospital, away from Him. B-but what if He came here, what if He worked here?

I shook my head and took a deep breath. No, He couldn't come, He was buried in the pit with no way out. I had escaped, I was free. I had to be...

I sighed and for the first time I noticed that there was someone in a chair against the wall. All I saw was long, dark hair, and I began to get excited. W-was it-? C-could it be?

Could it be that Ronnie was alive, and he was here in this very room? My heart began to beat erratically in excitement, making a machine go crazy, beeping loud and fast.

It woke up the figure in the chair. I watched excitedly, waiting to see if it was really Ronnie. They lifted their head, and I saw that it was..............not Ronnie. The hair was brown, not black.

It was Jacky. His arm was in a brace and his face was cut up, but he looked okay. I cracked a smile, and it hurt my face. It had been so long since I had really smiled. It felt foreign on my stiff face.

He grinned at me and slid the chair next to my bed, taking my hand in his. "I am so sorry Jacky! I didn't mean to make Him hurt you, I never wanted it" I began to cry, hyperventilating, trying to let out all that I was feeling.

Jacky tapped my shoulder and shook his head, telling me "It's not your fault, I should have been more careful than to trust a complete stranger. Losing Ronnie, and you, well, it sort of messed me up a bit, and I got careless"

My heart paused before beating again. "L-losing Ronnie?" I asked him, tears pouring down my face. My lips trembled, and my chin shook. Could it be that after all this time, Ronnie really was dead?

I didn't know what to do. If Ronnie was dead, this was all for nothing. I loved Jacky and Ryan and Ron, but Ronnie.....Ronnie was my everything. If I had lost him I had lost my entire self and everything I wanted, everything I needed.

Jacky began to shake his head violently, and he quickly said "Not lost like that, no no no he's still alive. He's just....well.....he hasn't woken up yet. He's in a coma"

M-my love, I put my love in a coma! I covered my face in my hands and began to cry, sobbing and shaking violently.

Jacky put his hand on my back and rubbed it sympathetically while my existential crisis began. What did I really have if I didn't have Ronnie?

Would he ever wake up? I couldn't do it without him. I know the cops were no doubt outside the door, waiting to burst in and figure all this shit out, clear up all the rumors and find the truth, but without Ronnie I couldn't bear to talk.

Last time He had taken me, kidnapped me in that field, Ronnie had been there, Ronnie had saved me, and he had been with me through all the questioning and such. Ronnie, I depended on him, I needed him like I needed oxygen.

I cried, and I think I heard Jacky begin to sniffle next to me.

Then, the door clicked, opening, and someone came in. It sounded like they had machines or something dragging behind them.

I opened my eyes and peered up from Jacky's shoulder, where I had hidden my head, and my eyes met brown ones.

There stood Ronnie, tubes hanging off his body like he had forcefully gotten off his bed, ripping from the machines and restraints that tied him to the bed, and ran down the halls, ignoring nurses and doctors yelling for him to come back.

Ronnie was there. Ronnie was here.

Ronnie was awake.

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