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****howre you my lovelies? Enjoy the chapter. some of you are wondering (or all?) how He got to Ryker's room, how He found her and how He got away with it. It will be revealed my dearies :) ****

Winston stood up and raised his hands, and everyone shut up, the room going silent.

"We are gathered here to determine the case between Ms. Ryker Mathews, and the defendant, Mr. John Hastings. If we are all ready, then let us commence" Winston said, and he sat down, followed by the jury.

I turned to look at Ronnie before standing up and letting Mr. Sullivan walk by me. He smiled encouragingly at me, but I just gulped and turned away. How could he be so confident in me? I was terrified...

"Thank you. Now, we are here to get to the bottom of this case. My client, Ryker Mathews, was 15 when the defendant first started exhibiting sexual feelings for her. John Hastings, then 25, pinned 15 year old Ryker down in a solitary room at the center, and forcibly raped her, ignoring her pleas and hitting her when she resisted. This followed with 4 more years of rape and abuse. Ryker told him no, begged him to stop. But he didn't listen. Does this sound accurate, Ryker?" Mr. Sullivan asked, and I nodded, tears pooling to my eyes, clouding my vision.

"What is the excuse for such atrocities? There is no such thing that could excuse such horrific deeds.

Now then, I call attention to the first piece of evidence. This is a video recording of Mr. Hastings with Ryker in the Reed's Juvenile Detention and Rehabilitation Center" Mr. Sullivan spoke, and then clicked a remote.

A video came on a screen showing a younger me walking down the halls, then shrinking away when He passed by me. It happened so fast at such an angle that you can hardly see it, but Mr. Sullivan slowed the video down and you can clearly see Him grab my butt and shove me into the wall.

"A picture doesn't lie. So a video must be Jesus, right?" Mr. Sullivan said, and a few people from the jury nodded and wrote something down on their little notepads.

"Moving on to Exhibit B: a 911 recording in which John Hastings admits to hurting Ryker"

Theres a commotion, and then His lawyer stands up and says "objection, where's the proof that it's my client?"

Winston turns to Mr. Sullivan to hear his answer, and nods when Sullivan says "We had Mr. Hastings speak into a sound recording to analyze his speech and then compare it to the speech recorded on the 911 call. Due to the bad quality of the 911 recording, there is some noise not from Mr. Hastings, but it was determined a match"

Sullivan hands Winston some papers, and after a while Winston is done looking at them and he hands them back to Sullivan, who puts them back in a folder.

"Overridden. Continue" Winston says, and Mr. Sullivan starts to talk again, explaining why this proves that He is guilty and what this means and how that shows His guilt and blah blah, but I'm distracted.

I had looked over to His side when His lawyer spoke up, and when Mr. Sullivan explained the recording and Winston overrode His lawyers objection, He scowled and pulled His lawyer down to the seat, leaning over and talking quietly with him.

I wondered, maybe He knew His lawyer before today....for all I know He could be friends with them! Hell, He could be friends with Winston! Fuck, He could bloody well be friends with the entire jury!

I was fucked.

His eyes shifted over and met mine, and He grinned maliciously. I gasped and turned away quickly, terrified. That look, that smirk, those eyes, it made horrified shivers go down my spine, and my whole body went cold. The things He was going to do to the was unimaginable.....

Someone started tapping my shoulder, and I snapped out of it, looking up to see Me. Sullivan staring at me. He must have asked me something....

"Ok, moving on to the first witness: I call to the stand Ryker Mathews" Mr. Sullivan said, and I started shaking. I looked behind me to see Ronnie, and I pleaded with him with my eyes. I didn't want to go up alone....

He nodded to me and motioned me forwards, and I started taking steps, each step sending catastrophic emotional earthquakes to my mind.

When I walked by His table, I couldn't help but look over, and I saw Him glaring threateningly at me.

I gulped and hurried up to the stand, stumbling up the stairs and hiding behind the mini-wall, putting as much distance between Him and me as I could.

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