Good Girls Bad Guys

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After waking up Ronnie, I walk down the bus to find something to eat. Peeking into the fridge, I start humming to myself.

From the back of the bus I hear shuffling, and Ronnie's voice floats down the bus like beautiful verbal hugs to the ear. It gives me a lighter spirit, lifting me a bit.

He may be annoyingly cocky sometimes, but I'm the same way. It's a good defense mechanism. A way to hide my true self-loathing and almost non-existent self-confidence.

"You got pep in your step you live your life with no regrets, " drifts into my ears, calling me to him. Spotting an apple on the bottom, I bend down to grab it. "How you look when you are wet is something I can not forget," his voice calls out.

And bam, he smacks my ass like a tambourine. I really don't know how I didn't expect that, I mean I would have done the exact same thing if it were him bending over. Damnit!

I jerk upwards, the apple forgotten. "Hands off Ronnie babe," I say nonchalantly, closing my eyes and hoping he doesn't notice the shivers going up and down my body.

He closes the fridge door, and presses me against it before I can turn around. He leans close, his chin brushing against my shoulder, his hair tickling my ear.

"I just want to kiss your lips," he breathes out, trailing his hand from my waist upwards, pulling my shirt up a bit.

By now my eyes are wide and my breathing is slightly hitched. In this situation I'd say I'm pretty calm compared to what others would be like. He breaths in slowly.

His hand stops at my bra strap, and with his exhale he whispers, "the ones between your hips." My pupils are probably dilated now and I'm having trouble breathing.

Someone walks in and just stands there, staring. "Uh, is anyone going to tell me what's goin on?" Jacky questions slowly.

Ryan walks in, unfazed, and just walks past us. "Oh it's just Ronnie and Ryker. They're competing for points I think. Something to save their egos," he says nonchalantly.

"And 3 to 2," Ronnie says, and I can practically hear his voice dripping with arrogance, smirking. He walks away and I groan, crossing my arms in frustration.

"He'll rue this," I growl under my breath, walking off the bus, hunger forgotten.

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