Bonus Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe it. It-it couldn't be.....

I had been laying in bed going over the songs for tonight in my head when I got the call. I had answered it because it was an unknown caller, and I was confused when I heard it was Jacky. Jacky and I didn't talk, and I was actually surprised that he had my number in the first place.

I don't think I even hung up on him, I just dropped my phone and stumbled out of bed, picking up and pulling it on as I ran out of the bus. I ignored Craig's yell, and I just ran.

Ran out of Warped tour, ran down the street, just kept running until I got to the hospital, then I kept running.

I ran and ran until I made it to the waiting room. I stood there, unable to move.

I realized that I was crying, but I didn't care, didn't rub it away, just let it happen. I let Jacky hug me, and I hugged him back, trying to pretend that he was Ronnie. He was the closest I could get to Ronnie right now.

I let him lead me to sit down, and I realized that I wasn't the only one so torn up about this. Ryan looked like he would never stop crying, and Jacky looked like a complete mess. He must have been the first one here, that means he's been here since 3 am.

Of course I wasn't the only one, Ronnie was an amazing guy, lots of people cared about him. People across the world were probably crying and screaming right now.

I didn't see Ron, but I couldn't manage to ask where he was. I couldn't even manage to talk. I just started blubbering about Ronnie.

He was my best friend, he had stuck with me and been by my side through it all. When we were younger, all we had was each other. We were fucking brothers, brothers from the start. I-I couldn't do it without him. He was the one who kept me going.

When he got back from prison and declared himself clean and healthy, he was the one that kept helping me, kept pushing me to be better. He's the one who helped me cut out the drugs. He's the one who I would call at 4 in the morning when I couldn't sleep and I relapsed back into drugs. He's the one who would call me at 2 because he knew that was when the withdrawal and urges got so bad it physically hurt me. He's the one who helped me through it all.

And now, just now he finally got a girl who treated him right, a girl who loved him. He finally fell in love, and I couldn't have wanted him with anyone else. Ryker, she and Ronnie were perfect for each other.

She understood him more than anyone else. And he understood her. They just had this, I don't know, this deep connection. It's like they were meant for each other.

He didn't like to talk about it, but when he did talk about her, his eyes twinkled and his lips pulled into a real smile. Hell, he even stuttered sometimes, his face getting red at the thought of her. He would bit his lip and give a secret smile, like he was off in another world when he thought of her.

They were perfect for each other.

I loved him, I loved him more than anyone else. We were a family. We had nothing but each other before, and we were supposed to be friends forever. We were supposed to get old and fat by each others side, always friends.

And now, now? Was it still possible? Would he wake up? Or would he leave me?

And who did this to him? Who ran into my fucking blood brother with their car? I hope their car is fucked up because of it. I hope I can find them and fucking kill them.

And Ryker? Where was she? Was she okay?

I needed to know, I needed to know that Ronnie would be okay, and that Ryker would come back safely.

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