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****I think there will probably be 5 or 6 parts to the Court cause I have lots to include with it all.****

I held my left hand up and promised to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. After I was sworn in, Mr. Sullivan stood up and walked down the front of the court, stopping in front of me.

"Do you testify that it was, in fact, this man, John Hastings, who raped, beat, and kidnapped you?" Mr. Sullivan asked me, and I nodded. "Im sorry, could you look at the defendant when you accuse him?" His lawyer asked me, smirking at me. I shuddered, looked up and stared directly at Him, before saying "I testify that it was John Hastings who raped, beat, and kidnapped me"

I said it quickly, desperate to finish so I could stop looking at Him as soon as possible. "Sorry, could you repeat that, slower this time?" His lawyer asked, and I scowled. "It was John-" I started to say, and he interrupted again, saying "while looking at my client?"

I took a deep breath and I looked Him straight in the eyes. He smirked at me, and I could see the laughter in His eyes. He told His lawyer to do this, I know He did. But I wouldn't let it ruin me.

I looked Him straight in the eyes and said "It was John Hastings who raped, beat, and kidnapped me" I said, glaring at Him. He wouldn't get away with it, not anymore.

Mr. Sullivan asked me some more questions, and then he said "no further questions"

I slumped in relief, anxious to get off this stand and out of this room back into the safety of Ronnie's arms.

He sat down, and then His lawyer stood up and sneered at me.

His hair was oily, slicked back, and his lips were pulled back in an ugly sneer. He was repulsive just to look at, you could tell exactly what kind of personality he had just by looking at him. He was a sleezy, slimy douche bag fucktwat. I could totally believe that he was friends with Him.

"Permission to question the witness?" His lawyer said, and I was horrified to hear that Winston agreed. I had sort of known this would happen, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to do it....

I looked over to Ronnie and clenched his scarf in my hands. He nodded to me and smiled encouragingly. How could he be so confident in me, still? How?

"Ryker, it has come to my attention that your record is, hah, well, lets just say it's not too squeaky clean" His lawyer said, and I furrowed my eyebrows. What did this have to do with anything?

"Yes...well....what does this-" I started, but he cut me off. He did that a lot, I've noticed, and it really got under my skin. Could he not shut his slimy mouth shut for one second so that I could talk?

"Ms. Mathews, if you would. Mr. Cryle, continue" Winston said.

Mr. Cryle, that was His lawyers name.

"Oh I'll tell you. Adderol, marijuana, Xanax, cocaine, heroin, jeez, is there anything you didn't do? You got in trouble with the law quite a lot. Battery, destruction of property, assault, public indecency, the list goes on and on" he asked, smirking and looking at me in contempt.

"So, I was a drug addict who did stupid stuff before I went do the juvenile and rehabilitation center. That has nothing to do with the fact that John Hastings raped and beat me! What, are you saying I brought it upon myself because I did drugs before, saying that I deserved it, that it was justified?!!" I yelped, my voice getting louder. "Now, calm down Ms. Mathews" Winston warned, and I took a few breaths.

"Exhibit A," Mr. Cryle said, mocking Mr. Sullivan I think, "medical records that officially state that long term, hard drug addicts tend to get a warped sense of reality and may even mix reality with fantasy. They often make up their own lies about things that they have imagined was real. There is absolutely no basis to their wild tales"

"Is it true that you were officially diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and acute schizoid with schizophrenic tendencies?" Mr. Cryle asked me, and I started to panic.

This was where His genius would show. He knew just how to thread the story to make my 'accusations' seem fake, made up. He knew what to say to completely discredit anything that I say. I had no chance!

"Yes, but-" I started. And just as I suspected, Mr. Cryle interrupted me, again. Figures.

"And is it true that you were discredited due to your narcissistic tendencies, and said to be completely untrustworthy because of all your lying?" Mr. Cryle asked me, and I sighed.

Fuck, what could I do? I couldn't get a word in!

"Yes, but-"

"Then there you have it. She can't be trusted to tell you her real age, nonetheless something as important and gigantic as a rape and abuse accusal. We can't trust a word she says. Shes a sneaky, lying drug addict prone to violent tendencies and weaving up crazy stories that have absolutely no truth or basis" Mr. Cryle concluded and turned away.

"My real age? You want to know my real age?!! Im 20 years old! And I haven't celebrated a birthday since I was 15! And you know why? Because of Him!" I yelled, standing up, leaning over the stand, and pointing to Him. "I have been nothing but tortured and haunted for nearly 5 years, all because of Him!" I said, my voice echoing through the room.

"Ms. Mathews" a security guard warned, stepping closer to me. I took deep breaths and sat down, cradling my face in my hands.

Oh god, when would it stop? When would this be over?

"Any further questions?" Winston asked him, and he shook his head.

"Not for Ms. Mathews....but...." Mr. Cryle trailed off, grinning at me, and I knew something bad was about to happen.

"We call to the stand Mr. Ronald Radke" Mr. Cryle said.

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