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When I came to, my first thought wasn't 'where am I'. I didn't wonder what would happen to me. I didn't wonder how much time I had left. The only thing going through my mind was 'Is Ronnie okay?'

Had the ambulance come in time? Had my plan worked? What had happened after I had been taken? What had happened to Ronnie? Was he ok? Did I save him?

I needed to know what had happened to him. If he was alive, I needed to keep silently fighting. If-if he wasn't, then there was no point in staying silent. I would fight back, and give up at the same time. I would fight Him, and I would give up on myself. Then maybe I could finally be with Ronnie in a safe place, free from fear and the need to stay away. maybe I-I could finally be happy, with Ronnie.

Without him, the world wasn't worth my pain. Without him, I wasn't worth the oxygen I breathe. I just couldn't stand to live without knowing that Ronnie was alive and well somewhere, happy and safe. I had to know how he was.

I touched my head, wincing in pain. That window sure was harder than I expected. Had I even hurt him at all? Probably not. Could I do anything against him? No. But still, I had to try. As soon as I found out what had happened to Ronnie, I had to fight Him.

What could I do? How could I find out? I couldn't really trust what He said. On one hand, he may tell me that Ronnie was dead even if he wasn't, just to destroy me. But then he had to know that I would give up without Ronnie, so would he risk losing power over me like that? If he told me that Ronnie was alive, then he would have more power over me. So then which one would he do? Would he say Ronnie was dead, or alive? Which one was more likely to be him telling the truth?

I sat up, taking a look at where I was. it was a small room, if you could even call it that. There were no windows, just a single, dim light that gave the room a flickering glow, shadows dancing on the walls. It was eerie, and there were more pits of darkness in the room than I would have liked. I stood up shakily and walked around, searching the room.

I traced the walls, searching for a door. I found that it wasn't a room at all. It was a deep ditch, like he had dug a pit into the ground. The walls were dirt, made up of hard sediment and mixed with rocks and roots. The ceiling was too high for me to reach. Where was the way out? If there was a way for him to get in, then there was a way for me to get out. I noticed a stray ray of light that didn't look like it came from the dim lightbulb.

I walked towards it curiously, and saw golden beams of light. That had to be the way out! I tried jumping, I tried digging shallow footholds and climbing up, but it didn't work. The entrance into above ground was too high.

I sighed and went back to the brightest corner, sitting and leaning my back against the dirt wall. I was imprisoned underground, and the way out was too high for me to reach. I was trapped.

I was trapped, I had no way of getting out, I had no phone, and I had no idea where I was. And, most importantly, I had no idea how Ronnie was.

I needed to know, I needed to get out, I needed to find out what happened to Ronnie. Oh god, if he-if he was dead, I'd fall apart. He was the only thing holding me together right now, the only thing keeping me from losing all sense of well-being, the only thing keeping me fighting. Without him, I would just give up and die.

I screamed, I kicked, I clawed at the dirt, I pounded my fists against the walls. But no one came, and the wall stayed hard and solid. My arms had scrapes that were painfully mixed with dirt and rocks. There was probably some glass shavings in my head, and my ankle hurt so bad I was scared to look at it.

Where was He? Was he working during the day? Oh god, did he still have the same job as before? I hoped not. It gave him way too much power. I could only hope that I was the only one he abused his power with. Please let me be the only one he takes advantage of like this. Please.

I tried digging my own way out, but after I got a certain amount of dirt off the wall, I hit solid rock. It tore at my fingers, and I lost a few fingernails from the scratching.

The ceiling doorway was the only way out. And I couldn't reach it.

How could I get out? How could I escape? And how could I know the truth about what happened to Ronnie? I needed to know. Was he ok? Was he....dead?

What happened to Ronnie?

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