Four Years Later

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**** I apologize deeply for the storyline and everything holy fuck I'm sorry. This whole scenario is fucked I'm sorry.

In this story Ronnie looks like he did back in the I'm Not A Vampire and The Drug In Me Is You days. He is 24. Ryker is 19 ****

"Listen, we apologize deeply for your situation. We're sorry it took so long to get evidence that you were fighting in self defense, and Pat was the one at fault. It's the sad truth, these things happen sometimes. Here's some compensation for your troubles...." The judge spoke with fake concern, and she hugged me, turning towards the camera and smiling.

I'm not exactly sure why they're filming me getting let out of prison; they were probably hoping I'd go ballistic and then they'd have a reason to say they were justified in locking me up because I was mentally unstable or some shit.

The only reason I was even let out is because the media got wind of my situation, and instead of focusing on problems like third world country starvation, decided to cover my story and cause enough of an uproar that the court was pressured into re-opening my case.

Apparently convicts were in at the moment. I'm grateful of course, but I know they don't actually care about me. They do this to make themselves look like saints, so they can feel like saints too

I tried to be as polite as possible while briskly taking the envelope from her.

I walked away, and thought that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

"Hey, wait!" The lady calls out to me, but I ignore her and keep walking.

However, she doesn't give up, and runs after me. I sigh, knowing she'll just keep following me and annoying me unless I answer some questions.

"So when did you get all those piercings?" She asks me.

I smile; that wasn't a bad question. Completely useless, but not bad. "The eyebrow and septum piercings were in prison, and my lip and tongue rings were back from my rehab days."

"What's the first thing you're gonna do when you get home?"

"Take a bath" I say immediately. "I've missed the privacy and luxury of a bathtub."

"Okay, last question," she says. "What's the last thing someone close to you told you before you got sent away? And how do you feel about it now? Was it advice? Was it true?"

"Well that's a long one question," I laugh. "I think, my mom looked at me and said 'its gonna be okay.' I can't believe she would say that! It wasn't okay!!" I yelled.

The lady seemed a bit taken aback, but asked, "well how was it?"

"It was fucking great! I'm so mad she said it was gonna be okay! She got my hopes down and then when I got there I was like 'hell yeah this is awesome'!" I said, and then I walked away, towards my mom who was waiting for me by the car to take me home.

I hoped to god she didn't take me seriously.

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