Bonus Chapter 5

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I sat in the hospital, trying to comprehend what the cops and doctors had told me. Ronnie and Ryker were walking in town, and Ronnie had been hit by a car? And now, Ryker was no where to be found and Ronnie was in a coma?

It didn't make any sense. No, no! Why was this happening? Where was Ryker? When would Ronnie wake up?

Who would do that? Why would they, why would they hit Ronnie with their car? And where was Ryker?

The news had already jumped at this story, welding in lies and rumors. I was scared to see what they could be saying about this. There was press outside, fighting with nurses, trying to get inside the hospital and get a look at Ronnie.

Ryan sat by my side. We had called Max and he was on his way right now. Someone in the lounge decided to turn on the news, so I was forced to hear all the nasty rumors the press was spreading. I didn't want to, but I couldn't resist looking up to see what they were saying.

It was ridiculous. I was expecting some rivalry between bands argument, or maybe a rumor about Ronnie being in a gang and a rival gang running him over. Or a rumor that involved drugs. But I didn't expect this.

"Ms. Ryker Mathews was last seen with Mr. Ronald 'Ronnie' Radke. And where is he now, you ask? In a hospital, in critical condition. Why? Because Ryker Mathews ran into him with a car before squealing off, fleeing the crime scene. She must have gotten fed up with his abuse and decided to take justice into her own hands and take it upon herself to get revenge"

It was completely mental! Who would possibly believe that if they really knew Ronnie or Ryker? I shook my head in disappointment. The press couldn't even let us deal with this loss in peace, they just had to go spreading their shit.

I heard some other people muttering to themselves, about it no doubt. I scowled and glared at them until they hung their heads in shame, but they still talked.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Max standing in the doorway, hunched over. His clothes were messy like he had pulled them on while he ran out the door. His face was pale and wet, and tears were steadily pouring out of his eyes.

I got up and walked over to him, giving him a hug. He held me tightly and sobbed into my shoulder, crying and incoherently talking. It sounded like he was just talking about memories with Ronnie, cause I kept hearing 'Ronnie' in his mumbles.

We sat down and everyone laid their hands on others arms, all of us hanging our heads and wondering when we would know what happened.

Would Ronnie wake up?

Was Ryker okay?

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