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****to clarify, Ryker did not get shitfaced drunk in the last chapter, nor is she shitfaced in this chapter. She's just a bit drunk, but her thinking, for the most part, is almost close to as clear as when she's sober. A lot of it is also just from trying to repress everything, so she's regressing to acting as if she was at a younger age in terms of silliness, and speaking what goes through her mind without a filter ****

After a long while, when neither of us had the energy to continue, he set me down on the ground and I snuck him out of the girls bathroom, giggling and snorting.

When we got back to the others, Luna looked over at us and winked, and Max wolf whistled. I blushed and tried to turn away from them, but I tripped and fell, and Ronnie caught me quickly.

I laughed and kissed him softly before standing back up and grabbing a bowling ball, throwing my arm back and swinging it forward. When I let go of the ball, I fell on my butt, and I started laughing hysterically, rolling onto my side, laughing and laughing and laughing.

I started crying from laughing so hard, and Ronnie tried to pull me back up but I just kept laughing, not helping him at all.

Ronnie, Max and Andy all had to work together to get me up, Ronnie picking me up by my shoulders, Max grabbing my waist, and Andy pulling on my legs. They got me up and Ronnie swung my arm around his shoulders, holding my hand to keep my arm there.

"She seems......drunk...." Echo said quietly, and I swung my arm out, shaking my finger in her face. "I'm not drunk! Just, la di daaaaaaa" I said, ending off in another laughing fit.

I leaned my face close to Ronnie, whispering to him. "You know Ronnie, I-!.... You. I really love you"

"I love him! I love you! Hey, everybody, everybody listen! I love him! He's the greatest, and I love him so fucking much!" I yelled, getting the whole bowling alley to look at me in confusion, amusement, and disgust.

"Ok! I think it's time for bed Ryker" Ronnie said, trying not to laugh. "Noo! I don't want to go to sleep...." I whined, but Ronnie swept me up and carried me out, and I could see everyone laughing me.

"I love him. I love you. I really do. Oh, Ronnie, you're the best thing ever! R-Ronnie!" I started singing, horribly off-key and without a steady tune, "Ronnie is super cool, and super hot, and I love him! Hey there de-Ronnie, what's it like in Las Vegas, Im a thousand miles away but boy tonight you look so pretty yes you do! I swear the casinos can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true!"

Ronnie got me into the car and I sat in his lap, laying my head in his shoulder, mumbling nonsense about him and love.

I guess he was right about it being time for bed, because not even 20 minutes into the ride, I fell asleep.


When I woke up, my head wasn't pounding. I didn't have a hangover, nor did I feel sick to my stomach. I just felt very, very embarrassed. Had I sung 'Hey There Delilah' and tried to make it about Ronnie instead? What the fuck was I doing?!!

I groaned and hid my face in my hands, rolling away from Ronnie.

What an embarrassment! Oh, what a fool I made of myself!

I stumbled to the bathroom and tried to repress the memories of yesterday as I went to the bathroom and washed my face. While I was brushing my teeth, I thought about what I was going to do.

Alcohol helped, but I hadn't even gotten really drunk and already made an embarrassment of myself. And heroin, well heroin was heroin.

--!!! What would Ronnie say to me? It had to have been obvious that I drank a little bit, and I knew how Ronnie felt about that-!!! Oh, what have I done?

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