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The concerts over, and I go to find the FIR merch tent. I buy some shirts, one of the FIR wolf vests, and wristbands. Then, I ask, "is there any need of another merch girl? You look like you've got your hands there like an application...or?"

The girl looks at me, "well I'd certainly love the help, but you'll have to ask the band."

"Ask us what?" I turn arouns to see Ronnie. "Oh well look who it is," he smirks.

"She wants to be a merch girl," the girl says.

"Hmmm  well, what are you offering us? What jobs can you do?" he asks, grinning.

I smirk back at him, saying "well, I can be a merch girl, bodyguard, roadie....and...." I trail off suggestively. "If you're lucky, maybe...maybe...a groupie," I finish with a wink.

Ronnie laughs, smiling at me. "You are something," he says, then holds out his hand, saying "welcome to the Falling In Reverse staff, ms. Merch girl and groupie."

I shake his hand with a grin, "oh but I don't think you're lucky enough darling."

Ryan, who has been standing there watching the whole time, just laughs. "Damn she is quite a character," he says, grinning.

I rush around Ronnie and give him a hug. "Uh..Ok.. I thought you weren't an extreme fangirl.." He hugs me back.

I laugh and let go of him, "oh it comes and goes."

Ronnie pouts and says "hey, how come it never comes when I'm around."

"Oh honey no need to add to your ego," I say, winking at him.

"But...since you begged," I say, and throw my arms around him.

He hugs me back, putting his head on my shoulder. "Mmmm, your hair smells good" he whispers, tickling my ear.

Distracted, I blurt out "you look good...I mean what?"

My body shakes as Ronnie laughs, "and from smooth to swoon just like that."

I grunt, "well excuse me for not biting my comments back. If you had liked me since you were 15 maybe you wouldn't be so cool all the time either."

"Maybe...probably not though..." he smirks.

I groan at his ego and bite back, "you'd be a bumbling mess if you had liked me for so long."

He just laughs, and holds me tighter.

"Fifteen you say?" he teases, and I groan.

"Ok I've had enough," I try to pull away, but Ronnie's holding on fast. "I really, really do not want to have to punch you," I say. Ronnie laughs and lets go, and I stick my tongue out at him.

"So how old are you now anyways?" he asks.

"I'm 19," I say proudly, grinning at him and winking.

"Oh so it's legal," he grins back.

"Legal but not logical. Like I said, groupie only if you're lucky," I smirk.

The Drug In Me (Ronnie Radke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now