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****The voice in this chapter isn't bad like the italicized one, so I didn't italicize it so as not to confuse you. So when there's no "" but it seems like someone else is talking, that's just the voice :) ****

I was laying in bed, a knot in my stomach. I had injected an hour ago, and I hadn't been able to fall asleep since. Usually I'm really tired, but I barely used any heroin since I'm running low and have yet to find a dealer, so maybe the effects weren't as potent as they normally would be.

I kept looking over at Ronnie, thinking of last night. What would have happened if Derek hadn't knocked on the door......?

Was that a cockblock? Shit, it could have been!

I was terrified at the thought, but also drawn to it. I wonder what we'd have done if Derek hadn't interrupted....

I felt a warmth growing inside me, and I realized with embarrassment that I felt the same way I had last night when Ronnie had walked in with nothing but a towel on....

I blushed and tried to shake the thoughts away, but my eyes trailed to Ronnie, looking at his relaxed arm raised above his head, running my eyes over the familiar curve of his muscles, the color of his tattoos.

I rolled over to my side without thinking, and scooted until I was up against Ronnie, my butt against his crotch. Wh-what am I doing-? I blush, but start to scoot against Ronnie, brushing my ass against his lap.

I-! Fuck, stop Ryker! You fucking nub, what are you doing?!!

I heard Ronnie stir a little and rubbed a little more, pretending I was asleep.

I heard a grumble and soon a sleepy-looking Ronnie was leaning over me, looking down. I tried to look sleepy as I looked up at him, blinking slowly.

"Ry, don't give me that. I can tell when you've been sleeping. Care to tell me why you're rubbing on me at-" he looks at the clock before turning his eyes back to me, "6 o'clock in the morning?"

I blushed deeply, completely embarrassed at having been caught.

I knew you'd get caught, I told you to stop you fucking harlot. Keep your horny ass to yourself next time!

Ronnie smirked when he saw me blush, and he leaned farther down until his bare chest was pressing against mine.

"Is it because.......of last night?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at me. I reddened even more and looked down, beyond embarrassed.

"Because, I can totally go pretend to forget my clothes and take a shower and come back, and we can relive it..." He says slowly, smirking down at me. I grab onto his arm and shake my head.

Fuck, I was really, really, really in deep right now. I wanted to tear his shorts off and fuck him senseless......but what the fuck am I thinking?!!

You sly slut you! Who knew you had it in you to think thoughts like that!

I blushed more and looked up at Ronnie with pleading eyes.

He smirked and winked at me, saying "Are you sure, I'd be perfectly happy to change-"

"No! P-please, just stay here" I plead, using my hands to pull him down on me.

"What do you want, Ryker?" he breathed out, and I shivered.

"I don't know," I said honestly, "you? A kiss? To be fucked senseless? I don't know, something?" I blushed and tried to hide my face in my hands, but Ronnie pulled them away.

"Ryker, you can't just say that so casually and then say you don't know" Ronnie warned, his eyes flashing a little. Sweet god, was he turned on now too? Fuck, maybe I don't want this-maybe I-!

He leaned down and pressed his soft lips against mine, putting barely any pressure on me. Nope, fuck that, I definitely want it. I grabbed his hair in my hands and pulled him down farther, biting his lip roughly and pushing my hips up to meet his.

"F-fuck, have you been this horny since last night?" Ronnie said in disbelief, and I blushed in embarrassment. Was that not normal? I don't know! I'm new to the whole actually wanting to have sex with someone!

I tugged on his hair, rubbing up on him and grazing my hand down his chest, feeling every taut muscle under my curious hands. He shivered under my touch and I wondered if my hands were cold or if it was the whole me touching him that made him shiver.

"Ryker...." Ronnie sighed, but I tugged his hair again and he forgot whatever it was he was going to say, instead pinning me to the bed and kissing me roughly, his fingers sneaking up my shirt and trailing up my sides.

F-fuck, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. Should I take my shirt off? Or does he want to, or what? Fuck this is all so new and confusing-and invigorating and intoxicating and fuck his hands are heaven against my skin, his lips like clouds, leaving feathery kisses down my neck.

I tilted my head, I think that's what you're supposed to do, right? Fuck if I know, I was just going off of what I felt, and instinct. Is it instinct to know how to fuck? I don't know--!

My thoughts were interrupted by Ronnie biting softly on a spot at the base of my neck, my sweet spot. I moaned silently and closed my eyes, biting my lip.

"B-bite it harder please" I whined. I was as surprised as Ronnie was by my request, but I was right in asking because Ronnie bit it harder and shivers of pleasure ran through my body.

I started rubbing on Ronnie again, tugging his hair, trying to get him to make those wonderful, deep, throaty sounds that are too good to be moans, too much to be groans. They were just...I don't know. The sound of Ronnie being sent over the edge? I liked the sound of that...

I tugged his hair and bit his lips and rocked against him until finally I got the sound out of him, nearly moaning just hearing it.

His whole body shook for a moment and he looked at me with eyes heavy with desire. Fuck, was I really that good?

I blushed and grinned in pride, feeling accomplished, and I started biting down his neck, nibbling and sucking, all while pulling his hair every so often.

I rocked up against him again and he made the sound again, the low, throaty sound that was music to my ears and sent me over the edge myself.

After the third time I got him to make the sound, he lost it I guess, finally. His hands pulled my shirt up nimbly and he kissed me roughly, slipping his hands up closer to my chest.

My heart went crazy, and I blushed knowing he would feel it as soon as he touched my boobs.

But just like that, before I felt his hands, there was a loud knock at the door.

"Ronnie? Do you have pancake mix?" Derek's voice called through the door.

I quietly groaned and covered my face with my hands while Ronnie rolled out of bed and led Derek downstairs. Because Derek just had to go to the kitchen. To find his fucking pancake mix. To make his fucking pancakes.


Damn Derek.

And cockblocker Derek strikes again.

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