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****Im just sort of asking myself what I'm doing as I write this XD what is life ahhh ****

A tall-but-not-as-tall-as-Andy-aka-tall-Luna, attractive man covered in tattoos came in. Ronnie.

"Uh oh, I'm in trouble!" I said, giggling so much I nearly fell off the couch again.

"Ronnie, it's no use arguing with her right now" Luna said, stepping in front of Ronnie.

He took a step back and sighed, bringing his hands to his face and running his fingers through his hair. It made him intensely more attractive, if that's even possible.

"Yeah, she's rather messed up right now" Echo said softly, and I giggled.

"Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah! Echo-echo-echo is right-right-right-right!" I slurred, sitting up shakily. I swung my feet to the ground and tried to stand up, but I fell back onto the couch and laughed some more.

"Heh heh, my legs don't work" I said, in case they hadn't noticed.

Ronnie sighed and walked over again, and this time no one stopped him.

"Sorry man, I don't know what's going on anymore" Ronnie said to Andy, and Andy nodded, saying "don't be too hard on her, she's obviously having a rough time"

"There's no use arguing with her right now, you won't be able to win" Luna said, grabbing Ronnie's shoulder. Ronnie nodded her off and grabbed my hands, pulling me up.

"Mmmm. Cause I will never beeeeeeeeeeeeee! The one you can defeat...BELIEVE IN ME CAUSE I WAS BORN TO LEAD" I sang, my voice bravely not following the constraints most people usually put on singing, letting my pitch rise and fall whenever the HELL it wanted.

"Ok, we're gonna start walking now" Ronnie said, and I grinned, swinging my arm around his shoulders, standing on my tip-toes so I could reach. "Hehe, hut-2-3-4, pick it up 2-3-4!" I said, booming my voice.

I tripped over my feet, and tumbled down, losing my height and balance, but Ronnie had his arm around my waist and he kept me up, dragging me across the floor.

"Ha ha! My legs don't work again" I said, looking down so I could see my feet dragging across the floor. "Ryker, when this hangover kills you, I'm not going to help" Ronnie said to me, and I stuck my tongue out and made noises with my lips.

"You're mean. He's mean!" I yelled, and I saw Luna laughing behind her hand behind us. They were laughing at me. I cracked a smile at them and I started to wave as Ronnie pulled me out of the bus.

"Ok Ryker, we're going back to our bus now" Ronnie said to me, as I stumbled yet again. He sighed exasperatedly, and leaned down, holding me bridal style in his arms.

I laughed and started kicking my legs.
"Ryker, you're going to fall" Ronnie warned, but I didn't stop, I just kept kicking my legs. Finally, Ronnie got fed up and he dropped me a little. I screamed, and he quickly caught me again.

I giggled, realizing it was a game. "Again, again!" I yelled, kicking my legs more. But we made it to the bus, and Ronnie knocked on the door.

Someone opened the door, and grabbed my arms, pulling me onto the bus and helping Ronnie get me inside.

"Shit" a soft British accent said, and I squealed. "Jacky love!" I said, throwing my arms around him in a hug. "I've missed you" I said, petting his head.

"Um, okay...." Jacky said, and Ronnie pulled me away from him. I sniffled and turned to Ronnie, hugging him too.

"Okay, lets get you in bed now Ry" Ronnie said to me, his voice softer now.

He half-dragged me to the bedroom, because my feet kept tripping up and stopping working. Mean, I grew you all these years! You have one job, one job!

I was set on a bed, a real good bed this time-my bed! Well, I think it's Ronnie's bed, but it's my bed.

I looked up and saw Ronnie staring down at me, his eyes looking sad.

"Why are you sad?" I asked him, hugging him, kneeling on the bed so I could rest my head on his shoulder.

"Hmm, just get some rest. We'll talk when you're not....well....drunk" he said to me, his voice thick with something I couldn't detect.

I sat back and peered up at him. "Is it me? Did I make you sad?" I asked, and he didnt respond for a while.

Then he reached a hand out and stroked my cheek, leaned down and kissed my forward, murmured "sleep. We'll talk when you wake up", and then started to walk away.

It was me. I'd made him sad.....

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back, hugging him again, tighter this time.

"I'm sorry, whatever I've done, I won't do it again!" I promised to him. He had such pretty eyes, I didn't want them to be sad, especially not because of me.

He was important to me.....

"Ill stay however you like, whatever makes you happy" I whispered into his ear, and then I moved through his hair and kissed his neck softly.

"I promise" I said again, and he pushed me away gently.

He gave me a little smile, and pushed me back on the bed, pulling the covers over me.

He he, I was like a little burrito.

"Sleep Ry" he whispered to me, kissing my lips softly and then walking out.

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling foggy.

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