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A pair of runners were running through the woods when they spotted something on the ground. They ran here everyday, and they had never seen something there before, so they left their usual path and approached the lump.

When they got closer, they realized that it was a person, a girl from the looks of it. She was black and blue and caked in blood, and she wasn't moving. The girl pulled out her phone and called 911 while the boy knelt down and touched her. He pushed her onto her side and tried to wake her.

The girl was in hysterics as she tried to talk to the operator, and the boy was worried, tapping the girl and shaking her softly. He had no idea what to do, CPR was only for if she wasn't breathing, right?

Her eyes didn't open, but he felt a faint pulse on her neck. The cops tracked the girls phone and in an hour there was a group of medics running through the woods carrying a stretcher.

They picked up the girl and slid her onto the stretcher and began the mile walk to the ambulance. By the time they got to it, the girls heart had stopped. Meanwhile a cop was briefing and questioning the runners about what they were doing, when they had seen her and such.

They hooked her up to a machine and drove away to the hospital while the runners stood there in disbelief, unable to imagine what the girl had been doing there and why she had been so broken and battered.

The girl was severely unstable, so she was immediately rushed into the emergency room and hooked up to machines that fed her, machines that pumped her heart, machines that carried waste out of her body as her body wasn't working properly.

There were cops in the waiting room, waiting for her to wake up so they could ask her questions about what had happened to her. Doctors and psychologists at the hospital were arguing with them, saying that she needed space and time to cope.

Meanwhile, in another room, a patient had heard the commotion and found out that a girl had come in battered and broken. He had fought with the nurses, getting out of bed and trying to leave, arguing and fighting until the nurses gave in and let him go to the girls room.

He looked at the girl, unconscious on the bed, and began to cry.

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