Movie date night

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Five and I are walking upstairs to his room talking about how long today has been. "I need a break, I'm so tired." I laugh out causing Five to groan in agreement. "I'm going to go get some snacks and other things. Meet me in the room in 20." I kiss his cheek running off to go fetch supplies. I grab lots of water, food and a giant weighted blanket. I spread out the blanket on the bed then toss all the snacks onto it as well. I take off my shirt and pants and start rummaging through Fives dresser. I pick up one of his shirts and put it on while he jumps into bed turning on the tv. I lay in bed next to him. I slowly nuzzle into him placing my head on his chest while he wraps his arm around me. "What show or movie do you want to watch?" he says scrolling through Netflix. I grab the brownies eating some while we playfully argue over which movie to watch. "Wedding Crashers" I shout trying to grab the TV remote from him but he swipes it away quickly. "No, I'm not watching some cheesy ass comedy." I get on top of him trying to grab the remote trying not to hurt him. "We are going to watch this cheesy ass comedy and you are going to like it." I sit up grabbing the remote searching it on Netflix and clicking play. "We ArEn'T gOiNg To WaTcH sOmE cHeEse AsS ComEDy. Shut yo dumbass up damn." I say mocking him causing him to laugh a bit grabbing the remote. "Fine I'll watch this stupid ass movie with you. It better be good or I'm fighting you." He says turning up the volume and laughing a bit. Throughout the whole movie I've been whispering a few of the funny lines to myself in preparation for the line that I always say.

My time has finally come, "MA THE MEATLOAF." I yell along with the movie causing Five to look at me and start laughing. "So that's why you always say that." I nod my head exaggeratively making the bed shake a bit. He rolls his eyes at me and how I could quote almost every line. The movie ends so I jump up pushing Five into the bed, "So what did you think?" He thinks for a second and looks away slowly trying not to show he was smiling. "It was pretty good." he whispers so I throw my hands up over my head to signify victory. He laughs so I lay next to him, "Next time don't judge my movie picks because you might actually like it." he gets on top of my and starts giving me raspberries on my stomach. (that weird thing where like someone tickles and blows on your stomach? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?) I laugh and try kicking him off of me, "If you tickle me and I hurt you, it won't be my fault." I shout out in between laughs. I start punching him but not to hard so he gets off of me. Putting his head on my chest and his arms around my body holding me close.  We talk for what felt like forever just enjoying our moments. I fall asleep so he throws a blanket over me and goes to sleep as well. 

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