Me, Him, and an Apocalypse (15)

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*Dolores Time Skip*

Five never did care about the past, he was more focused on our future together. He wasn't worried about the things I did or the people I had killed. He only worried about me and his family. I fluff up my dress and adjust my heels, looking in the mirror. I pick up the goldfish stuffed animal as I hear the music begin. I take deep breaths, standing up straight and then the doors open to reveal me to the rest of the people. Five slowly turned around, his face lit up and he couldn't hold back a giant smile. I point at the fish stuffed animal causing him to just chuckle and shake his head. Why the stuffed animal? Dads usually walk their child down the aisle when they are getting married. Well I hate mine, he's also a fish, oh and he's dead, so the stuffed animal is a good substitute. I feel an arm interlock with mine and see that it's Klaus. The music begins playing as we slowly begin walking down the aisle. "Wow, here we are." I just look at him smiling. "Oh by the way, Dolores or Lilith. I got you something for your wedding, it's on your bed." I look at him with wide eyes as he laughs loudly. "I thought you wouldn't remember me." He just shrugs as we almost reach the end. "You were too cool to ever forget." We reach the end, I kiss his forehead and he bows. I walk in front of Five as the priest begins talking about things. I'll admit, I zoned out a tad bit because I felt nauseous. We say our I do's and our vows, we are now officially married. The Hargreeves begin throwing confetti at us while cheering.

We were in the dining area, which was filled with laughter. Five and I were almost finished opening up the gifts. Five stands up without saying a word and spatially jumps away from me. I sat there awkwardly smiling, that was until I heard a bark. I turn to the right and see Five walking a dog who looked exactly like Robin. The dog jumped into my arms as I began petting it. "You found your soulmate, you got home, you got married, and now you got the dog." I jump into his arms filling him with kisses, he laughs while the dog just sits next to us shaking happily. I watch him playfully run around, chasing our dog at our wedding. Everything felt right, it felt like when you finally put the last piece of a difficult puzzle in. Tears slowly stream down my face as I look around me seeing the room filled with happiness and acceptance. I was finally home, a place where I belonged. Five spatial jumps in front of me, he cups my face lightly. "What's wrong?" I raise an eyebrow slightly, smiling. "Nothing, absolutely nothing." I kiss him and he holds me closely. We pull away laughing and placing our forehead.

That's the story about Me, Him, and an Apocalypse.

*Insert the Author sobbing in the distance*

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