Who is in Control

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I had found out I had powers and I didn't know how to control them and I am to afraid to tell them in fear they'll do me like they did to Vanya. Vanya barley remembers what happened because Allison made her forget. It is 6am the house was awake with shadows and monsters the hallways they echoed and groaned. I sat alone, in bed 'til the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me" and I tried to hold these secrets inside me but my mind's like a deadly disease. I wake up in a cold sweat crying. It is 8am now as I walk down and everyone is staring at me, I give small little wave as they all roll their eyes at me. They are all mad because I said that we should teach Vanya how to use them and not force her to not know. I try to calm my angry as they all judge me silently 'I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones' I repeat in my head so I don't lose it. 

Five scoffs as I grab a liquor bottle. I put the liquor bottle down breathing in to calm down. I pour a glass and downed it, I decided to just take the whole bottle. "Continue your conversation. Ignore me it is what you all are good at anyways" I dramatically grab the bottle trying to calm down. They go back to their conversation "We don't need to tell Vanya anything. She will just cause another apocalypse" "Just pretend everything normal and we don't tell her. That is what is best for everyone" I scoff at what Luther had said. They all look over at me pissed "Why can't you just tell her? She deserves to know." I practically shout voice cracking trying not to cry at the stupidity of the others, "You don't get to have a say in this. You don't have powers." I nod taking a swig of Tequila,

 "Said the same thing about Vanya and than she caused the fucking apocalypses" I whisper shout causing them to go silent "You have no powers and never been in this position so just admit it, you aren't helpful in the situation so mind your business." Five spits out pissed. Vanya walks in "What's happening?" We all look at her "Having a family conversation" she nods "Having a family conversation without me? I am apart of this family to" she looks at me as a shrug. She walks off up stairs upset. I try not to get mad for obvious reasons. "She deserves to know, she's apart of this family to. We can teach her how to use her powers" I breath in and out 'I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones' trying not to lose control as the all yell at me. "If you won't tell her then I will." I slowly start to walk off trying not to lose it.

 "Dad was right you are stingy." Klaus laughs. I turn around looking at them trying to breath. "Allison just do it now. It isn't like they'll remember" Allison starts "I heard a rumor-" I get pissed off "Stop. Leave me alone. " Angry raises inside of me "Wait, How long have you been doing this for?" They all looked at me rolling their eyes. "Calm down it was only a few times and it was for the best" I scoff loudly finding this amusing "For me or for you?" my eyes turn red as I start losing control. I light the curtain on fire which Diego takes a minute to put out. Everyone looks at me as I start yelling causing thing things to fly around.  And all they all cried out "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy all my anger was finally coming out,.

 "Goddamn right, you should be scared of me" Who is in control? Everything turns black as I am in a room with mirrors. I jumped at the slightest of sounds and I couldn't stand the person inside me. I turned all the mirrors around to see the truth. There is a lot that has been hidden. I close my eyes and open them as everyone looks scared of me. And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head. My eyes go black as I make the lights flicker I create a shadow monster who grows taller behind me. I see the fear in their eyes as I make the shadow monster go away. "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy "Goddamn right, you should be scared of me" I laugh satanically as all the memories come to me. Who is in control? I tried to control my demon but I realize I am in control. I am my own demon. "Maybe you guys should have listened. Who is in control?" I walk off finally realizing who I was. I told Vanya her powers and we learned to control them together as a team. The others are finally coming around to it and are being less bitchy. I finally realized I am in 


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