Me, Him and The Apocalypse(8)

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I was standing outside of the Umbrella Academy and was terrified. What if Five forgot about me, what if he hates me, what if he moved on, what if he. All I could think about were the what if's so I decided fuck it let's worry later. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I put my hand on the door knob and pushed the door open. The house was very big but I found my way into a room where it seemed like a dinning room but also a living room. I hear footsteps from behind me, "Is Five home?" I ask politely, turning around. "How'd you get into the house?" I shrug looking behind them and seeing movement, "The door was unlocked. Which is unsafe but-" The person just looks me up and down trying to figure me out like I was a puzzle. "Is Five home, I need to see him?" I put my arms behind my back grabbing a small knife from my pocket. The person just nods towards me, "What do you want with him?" I put my hand out to shake theirs but they ignore me. "Well, I'm-" they grab my hand tightly looking at the rings on my fingers. "Where did you get these?" I pull my hand away confused, "That's none of your business." The person rolls their eyes with a stern look, "You were stealing from us." I just shake my head no getting more upset, "No, I just came here to talk to Five." The just laugh at me like I was some pathetic creature. This made me feel like a volcano that was seconds away from erupting. "Where is Five Hargreeves?" I ask with a deeper voice. The person just stares at me like they finally completed the puzzle. I just scoff, going to walk off, but suddenly they grab my by the roots of my hair and cover my mouth. They drag me to random places until we finally end up in a dark basement with a tall vault that stood there. I screamed but they silenced me by throwing me into the vault. "I just want to talk to Five, please. I'm his wife." I shouted loudly but the person just laughed pointing to their ears. "Can't hear you." I put my head on the glass and slowly slid down. I scream banging on the door as they turn the lights off walking away. I was now in the dark all alone, my mind running, memories flooding, the past haunting me. I screamed at the voices to go away, I begged for them to leave me alone but they didn't. I had done terrible things to people. I may have not wanted to but it was still my hands that did it. Everything was coming to me, things I forgot happened, moments I wish I did differently. Why am I not better? I cry myself to sleep as the voices in my head get louder and louder. I had a dream about Five, dancing with him, we didn't speak but I knew it was more than just a dream. It's been hours and suddenly they stop, the voices, everything just stops and the lights turn on, I get up wiping my eyes, I lean against the cold metal door, I place my hand on the cold glass. I remove my hair from my face and make eye contact with him. I'm looking into the eyes of my one and only true love, my soulmate, Five Hargreeves. ...

(Who locked Dolores up?)

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