Strongest (2)

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Aidan, who is now 15 years old and in high school. Five has been in and out of Aidan's life which has caused a lot more problems than Aidan realizes. "Mom?" he walks into the kitchen where I was making dinner. "Yes Aidan?" he leans against the counter staring at me, he was a splitting image of his father, but he had my eye colour. His eyes were swollen from crying, I put down the knife walking over to him. "What's wrong?" He just looks at me, "Dad said he wanted to have dinner. Can we go?" I just stare at him and walk back to cutting the celery. "Please? He might actually be trying this time." Tears stream down my face as I continue making dinner, "Do you want cabbage soup?" I ask politely trying to change the conversation. "Mom, please." he cries out gripping the ridge of the counter. I look over at him, "Your father was a boy when I met him,  I fell in love and we thought we were ready for a kid. I was but I guess he wasn't. So I left but if you think he is really ready to change than sure." I wasn't ready to tell my son everything but I guess he's old enough to know. "I want to meet him, to see if he's at least changed." I look over at Aidan washing my hands and almost laughing. "I'm serious, I want to meet my father. I think he deserves another chance." I raise an eyebrow nodding, "Okay, I'll see what I can do." Aidan smiles happily walking over to me giving me a hug. "You're the best mom, thank you." he kisses my cheek and helps me set up for dinner. As we start eating he asks questions about his father. "What was he like?" I shrug playing with my food, "He used to be really sweet, a cocky sarcastic cunt, but he was a good person. he was loyal to his family, did everything in his power to save them. He was so smart, funny, cute, charming." I bite my lip holding back my tears as I think all about how My Five Hargreeves used to be. "Was?" Aidan asks taking a bite of his food. I sigh looking back at my plate, "People change Aidan, people just,, change." I start cleaning up thinking about My Five Hargreeves, my charming sweet caring Five Hargreeves. The boy who brought my flowers randomly, the boy who never wanted to leave my side, the boy who was. 

Here we are, standing in front of the house that I haven't seen in years. I watch as he rings the doorbell excitedly. "Oh Miss y/n. It's been a long time since I've seen you."  Pogo says surprised to see me, he looks over at Aidan and is taken back. "Oh my goodness, a splitting image of Five when he was your age." I put my hand on Aidan's head rubbing it, "It's crazy how fast they grow up." I laugh out as we walk into the giant academy. Memories flood my head looking back at everything. We walk into the main room where the giant table was with food across it. Pogo clears his throat causing everyone to turn back and look at us. "These are you aunties and uncles." Aidan walks over introducing himself as I sit down next to Klaus. "He looks exactly like him." I nod drinking my water unprepared for everything that's about to happen. Five, his wife and a 7 year old walks into the room. Five looks dead at me and his face softens a bit. Aidan turns around looking at Five so I stand up quickly. I watch Five's face drop quickly but his eyes till light up. "This, this is my son? Aidan?" Five asks walking forward arm extended placing it on Aidan's shoulder. "Yeah that's me." Five goes wide eyed with his jaw dropped. "Splitting image of me but you got your moms eyes." Aidan smiles as everyone sits down getting ready to enjoy dinner. "So, Aidan how old are you now?" I sit there watching the awkward tension grow. "I'm 15 years old." Five nods taking a deep breath, "Damn, when did you get so old. You were six like a week ago." Five laughs looking at Aidan with glossy eyes. I scoff, "Well, that was the last time you saw him." I say under my breath trying not to beat Five into a pulp. Five must of heard because he sadly chuckled under his breath a bit. "So, Aidan what are kids like you into theses days?" I lean back in my chair wondering why I even decided to stay. "I like art, I'm an environmentalist, I like to act and skate board. Just basic things." Aidan says with a smile. Five just nods looking at his other son. "Aidan are your nails painted?" Fives wife speaks out towards my son rudely causing me to clench my fist under the table. Aidan holds up his hand smiling, "Oh yeah. It's a bit chipped but that's fine." Five's wife looked at my son with an almost disgusted look. "Are you gay?" Five asks grabbing a breadstick, Aidan shakes his head. "I don't think so." Five shrugs, "Okayyy." Five says almost as if he was disappointed in my son. "Don't act like you never painted your nails Five. I remember quite vividly painting your nails and doing your makeup all the time." Five just rolls his eyes, "I wasn't talking to you y/n." Five snaps and I just shrug "Yeah, that's how we ended up in this whole situation in the first place." I whisper biting into a piece of broccoli. 

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