Me, Him and The Apocalypse (11)

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The panic sets in as I realize I had said those words out loud. "I know that you don't love me and that's okay. I know that love doesn't always come with a guarantee that they person will love you back." I breathe in deeply cringing from how embarrassing I was being. "Who said I wasn't in love with you?" I look at Five confusedly wondering how I came to that assumption. "You did on multiple occasions." Five just stares at me confused, everyone else was just awkwardly staring at us. "I never once said that I didn't love you." I take a step closer looking at him. "Yes you did but not verbally." Five breathes deeply getting into a more serious attitude. "Well, I love you Dolores." A giant smile plastered across my face, I walked closer looking up at him. "When did you get taller?" He smirked knowing that I was nervous. He looked down at me smirking. "Who knows." He starts mimicking the position I'm in. He bends down so that we are face to face. "So Dolores-'' He goes to say something, I lean in kissing him. I pulled away looking into his green eyes that were lighting up. He pulls me in by my hips kissing me, I grab the back of his head. He holds me not wanting to let go as if he was afraid I'd disappear again. Someone clears their throat but that doesn't make us pull away. We start smiling, making our lips detach. He cups my face and I nuzzle my cheek into his hand lightly. "So, is no one freaking out right now? I thought she was a mannequin this whole time." A man with facial hair and very feminine says. I nod leaning towards Five, "I have zero clue who anyone is." He laughs grabbing onto my arm, pointing at everyone introducing them. "That's Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Vanya, Lila, Grace and Pogo." I nod smiling, stepping forward. "I'm Dolores. The person Five was with in the apocalypse for over like 20 years." They all look at each other slightly shocked, not knowing exactly what to say. "Sorry Five, we thought you were crazy and that she was a mannequin." Vanya says while the others nod agreeing with her. I push away a bit looking at Five, "I'm confused, why is everyone bringing up a mannequin." Five fake laughs loudly, he starts making hand motions to make them stop talking. "Wait, I want to know." He awkwardly huffs, rubbing his neck. He put one finger up and proceeded to spatial jump out of the room, leaving me with his family. "Hi guys. Oh, hey manipulative backstabbing bitch. How's it going sis?" I spit out with an attitude. Everyone just stares at us as Lila walks closer to me. We pull each other into a fake hug, I secretly press a knife into her. "You tell Five, I'll tell Diego what you did. Understand?" I feel her nod so I pull the knife away discreetly putting it back in my pockets. She scoffs as we pull away from the hug. I raise my eyebrows smirking psychotically, Five spatial jumps into the room and I soften my face smiling at him. "What the fuck?" I question looking at the bald mannequin that was in his hands. "This is Dolores, Dolores meet Dolores." I laugh loudly grabbing Dolores out of Five's hands. "Dammit I see why you picked her. She's very gorgeous." I went to hand the doll back but saw his hands were behind his back. I raise an eyebrow smiling confused, I try to peek behind his back. I moved quickly but he was quicker and moved quickly. "I didn't forget how quick you are." I sigh putting my hands down trying to look at what he had. "So Dolores. We've made it back to the real world. We've found our soulmates. We technically got married. And we have a dog." Five pulls out an old, familiar stuffed dog he had given me during the Apocalypse. I hold back my tears as I grab Robin and hold them close. We stare at each other laughing lightly realizing that we have indeed made it.

Lila clears her throat, stepping forward, "I can't keep quiet and longer. Dolores has been lying to you this entire time. Ever since the first day you met. You guys didn't even meet by accident. Dolores was in the Apocalypse on purpose." ...

(Also, please drop random names here because I need them for a story.)

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