Klaus and the Stool

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Arguing, Five Hargreeves and I did that quite a lot. Honestly, I don't remember a time where we didn't argue. We always come to some sort of disagreement and of course Five never wanted to come to a negotiation. Five always believed he was right, all the time. Sometimes he'd admit he was wrong but it's only when he wants to turn the tables onto me. We had met in the commission, forced to be partners actually. At first we got along and then realized we both were too stubborn. But god forbid, The Handler just had to force us to be friends. When it comes to Five Hargreeves, half the time I don't know if I want to kiss him or smack him all the way into the apocalypse again. I mean, sometimes he's an arrogant cunt, who makes me want to kill him. Then sometimes I pity him because he's been through a lot. He never really got to have a childhood, or know what it was like to be really loved. I hope after we solve all the problems leading up to the apocalypse, he'll be able to be a human again and not be a machine that feels like it always has to be working.

"Gosh, Five just fuck off please!" I shouted with anger, I turned away secretly hiding my tears. He scoffs, "God y/n, I'm trying to save our lives here. I would appreciate it if you could stop acting like a baby for once and actually help." Allison just rubbed her head, crossed her arms and shouted. "Diego! Separate them please!" Diego just laughs flipping a knife between his hands. "No, you see last time I tried to separate them. I got slapped by both of them." Luther just groaned loudly. "Klaus? Don't you like getting slapped? How about you separate them for once." Klaus just stares at everyone putting his hand up. "Uh, actually I do mind but I know how to get these lovebirds to stop." He stands up clapping his hands loudly, enough that it echoed through the whole house. "Hey! You two lovebirds." Five and I looked at Klaus shouting loudly. "What!?" Klaus put one stool on the ground and pointed to it. "Get on the stool." Five and I looked at each other and contained our laughs. "It's too small. Both of us couldn't fit on there." Klaus just raised an eyebrow pointing to it. "Sit.. Your.. Ass.. Down." He says in an almost angered tone. I put my hands up in defeat and clumsily try standing on the stool. Klaus looks at Five pointing to the stool, Five chuckles. "Fuck no." Klaus just shrugs walking over to Five and tries picking him up. After some fighting, Five finally got on the stool. Him and I were now eye to eye trying to balance on a stupid little stool. "Now, whenever you two make up, you can get off the stool." I dead eye Five causing him to just suck in his cheek. 

"This is all your fault you know." I whisper, crossing my arms trying to keep my balance. I watch Five roll his eyes all the way into his head, "Yeah, you keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there." Five just shakes his head. We began arguing again, calling each other names and talking about how much we hate each other. I lost my balance, my foot had slipped off the stool. Five started falling as well. Next thing I know Five's hand is around my waist, my face is buried into his chest, and we are sitting on the couch with me in his lap. I squeezed him tighter to make sure he wouldn't let go. We both looked up at everyone who all had smiles plastered on their faces. "Thanks Five." I whispered looking into his green eyes. He gave a weak smile, "Yeah, anytime." We soon realized the position we were in, we started blushing. For some odd reason we didn't push away. "Can we at least meet in the middle with the things we disagree on? I mean like honestly, aren't we supposed to be partners in crime?" I smile at him, he bites his bottom lip softly. "Fine, I mean your ideas are never bad anyways." I sit up basically straddling his lap to get a better look at his smug face. "Then.. then why do you always argue with me and put down my ideas?" He smiles, placing his hands on my thighs. "I like when you get mad. Honestly, I like talking to you. I cause an argument and you talk to me longer. Plus you love arguing. So it's a win win." We both laugh. "True, but you know there's other ways to talk to me without making me feel entirely worthless."

Five straightens his posture with a confused look. "I never want to make you feel useless, y/n." We smiled slowly leaning in until we heard someone clearing their throats. We turn around looking at his siblings. I could just feel Five intense stares, he was mad they ruined the moment. "Can I get a thank you?" Klaus holds out his arms falling back into the couch. I just shrugged, getting off of Five. "Thanks." I kick the stool and it goes flying, slamming into the couch right next to Klaus's foot but didn't actually hit him. Klaus pretends he was hit and dramatically sinks into the couch going limp. I roll my eyes looking back at Five, who couldn't keep his eyes away from me. He stood up and kissed me softly. Our lips separated and he whispered, "Partners in crime?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Romantically involved partners in crime." Five just playfully rolls his eyes. "Of course."

(Yall, I'm so sorry for not updating. I just haven't been feeling good at all. Somethings have been going on and I feel extremely sick. I'll start posting more soon!) 

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