I'll always get you

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"I'll always get you." Five Hargreeves shout's with a cheerful laugh. I playfully struggles to get out of the firm grip Five had on me. "No, let me go." I laugh loudly and begin running throughout the house. Five would just spatial jump in front of me. Running down the stairs I bump into Diego. Five Spatial jumps behind me. "Hey Diego." Five says out of breath. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned looking into his eyes that seemed like he was going to cry. "I don't want to bother you guys." He says with his voice filled with rage. "You could never bother me, what's wrong? Need back up?" Diego's eyes were filled with pain, and deep emotions. He hesitates for a second, "Yeah, I need your help." He hands me a photo of a man. I examine it closely making sure not to miss any details. "This guy has something to do with a disappearance of Lydia Castro." My head shoots up starring at him. "Oh shit." Five and I say synced as he takes the photo from my hand looking at it. I almost start laughing, five hands the picture back to Diego. "I found where he lives." I look over at Five, we both nod. "We're in." Diego just raises an eyebrow but doesn't seem to question it. 

We pull up to the guys apartment building which had lots of rooms. "Which one?" I say as we follow Diego into the building. "5th Floor, third room to the right." I nod clicking the elevator buttons. We walk up to the door, the boys hid while I knocked on the door. An older man opens the door, "Are you Charles?" the guy looks around and shakes his head. "Who's asking?" I shrug "No one important, do you know someone named Lydia Castro?" I ask innocently, he starts to panic and shoves me hardly out of the way and begins running. "What the fuck dude?" we start running after the guy, following him into a stairway. The boys were behind me as I swiftly and easily ran up the stairs. "Why doesn't he just spatial jump?" I basically shout to myself wondering why Five wasn't using his powers what so ever. I reach the top of the building and then finally hear Five spatial jump. "We just want to talk." I shout at the guy who is walking towards the edge. Diego appears next to me trying to get in front. "Sir, why didn't you just go down stairs? Why'd you bring us to a roof?" I shout almost laughing. The man walks over towards the ledge of the building.

"You don't want to do that." Diego says loudly. "We just have a few questions, Lydia was a good friend of ours." The man turns around facing us with tears in his eyes. "It was meant to be a prank. I didn't know they'd take it that far." He shouts at us, I take a few steps towards him. "Step away from the ledge, we can talk about this." The man nods, "Those guys were supposed to pretend to kidnap her as a joke. They took it to far, they made it real." he slowly walks towards me. His face changes expressions as if he was lying the whole time. He grabs my shirt and basically throws me off the building. Why does this always happen to me? I felt the cold air surround my body, the wind pulled on my clothes, the wind made my hair dramatically fly everywhere, it was kind of nice. I closed my eyes and let the feeling completely take over my body. I feel a pair of warm hands wrap around my body tightly, I shoot my eyes open to see Five. "Like I said, I'll always get you." he spatial jumps us back to the top of the building with me in his hands, face pressed into his chest.

"I won't lie, that was kind of hot." I whisper laugh looking over at Diego who had cuffed the guy and beat the shit out of him. "You're lucky their alive or I would've done so much worse." I walk over to the guy and proceed kicking him. Diego grabs the guys arm walking him down the stairs. I place my hand in Fives as we enter the mans apartment building. "Hello? is anyone there." I shout to see if anyone else was in the room. I drag Five into a room where there was a sleeping women on the bed. "Lydia?" she shoots up automatically starring at us. "Who are you guys?" we look at each other. "The people who just saved you, not really important."  The police show up and arrest the guy. Lydia made it home to her family safely. Five and I decided to go to bed early cause it was pretty tiring defeating bad guys. 

I was awoken to shaking. I sit up lightly and realize Five was having a nightmare. He was shaking, whimpering, and tears slowly streamed down his face. I shake him lightly to wake him up, "Hey, Fivey wake up." He shoots up in bed while the tears stream down his face. He looks over at me realizing he was only dreaming. He pulls me into a tight hug as if when he'd let go I might disappear. I held him back not wanting to let go. "I thought I'd lost you." he cried softly into me. I rub his head holding him tighter. "It's okay, I'm here." he kisses my lightly slowly laying back down buy not releasing his grip on me. "I'll always get you."

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