Me, Him and The Apocalypse (9)

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A smile goes across my face and I start laughing from relief. I found him, I finally fucking found him. I reached out to cup his cheek but hit the glass. I stare at my hand then look at him, I start crying out to him. He just stares at me, he doesn't move or even say anything. He pokes the glass standing up causing me to bang on it. I scream and bang on the door as he walks out of my view. "I'm sorry, Please I can't lose you again. Five, I love you." I screamed loudly knowing he wouldn't have cared. A bit of time passes as my cries grow weaker. I slowly give up until I see a group of people including the person who had locked me up. They were being led by an angry Five. I look up at everyone through the glass slowly standing up. I was already weak before I came here, I had gotten in a fight with a few men on the streets who were a lot stronger. I got roughed up pretty good and then that person roughed me up even more. My body felt horrible, worse than that time I stood up against 20 men. I slowly knock on the glass, weakly smiling with a small wave. All 7 of them looked at me confused. They all began chatting about something. Five started to shout at everyone pointing at me, they all got defensive. Everything felt like it was spinning, I panic. I bang on the door really loud causing everyone to go quiet looking at me. I whisper, "I love you." Fives' face softens as if he understood what I said. I got one last look into those dazzling green eyes, as I took my final breath collapsing to the cold, hard floor.


Her eyes which were cold and dead had come to life. Her eyes lit up as happy tears streamed down her cold, delicate cheeks. She hits the glass with her fingertips and then stares at her hand. Who the hell put her in there? Anger grows inside of me, I poke the glass standing up. I hear her screams and bangs coming from the vault which only made me more angry. I didn't have the key but someone in this house did. I walk away from the vault and spatial jump into the living room. I began yelling at everyone to hurry up and get their asses down stairs immediately, I didn't care if it was 2am. Everyone rushes down stairs staring at me confused and asking what's wrong. I didn't say a word but I motioned for them to follow me, to which they did. They all ask my questions as we walk into the room that held her in a trap. Dolores stood up causing them all to go silent. "So who the fuck did it?" I try to speak calmly and try not to kill someone. Everyone stays quiet as they stare at her. I turned around shouting, "I asked a simple goddamn question. Who did it? and who ever did it better give me the goddamn key right now. They all started getting defensive which caused me to get even more enraged. "I just need the fucking key and you guys can go back to sleep." I shouted even louder, feeling like my head was going to explode. She bangs loudly on the glass causing everyone to look over at her. She gave me one last look and mouths 'I love you' . I somehow knew that's what she was saying and I smiled lightly. She then falls down to the cold, hard ground, alone. I ran up to the vault banging on it shouting for her to wake up. She doesn't make any movements, I don't even think she's breathing at this point. How come every time I get close to her, we still are so far apart? I repeatedly punch the glass with no regard for my hand. Still no movements, not even her chest or her stomach so it's obvious she isn't breathing. "Open the fucking door or I will kill you." I shout louder than I have ever yelled before. Luther clears his throat, "It's in the dish on the table in the kitchen." I spatial jumped into the kitchen grabbing the key and going back. I unlock the vault pulling out her limp cold body. Her body rests in my lap and her head is in my chest while I rock us back and forth. I slowly feel warm tears stream down my face, "Please wake up, I can't lose you again. I love you, I love you too much to lose you Dolores." ...

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