Midnight stroll

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Thank you @lolaaa_xo for the brill idea!! ♥

Mitch hopped out of Scott's car and shut the door behind him. Scott walked over to him and smiled before they headed off down the path to the park.

Scott had invited Mitch for a 'midnight stroll' in the park bwcaue he wanted to tell Mitch something really important.

The two of them walked in silence until Mitch's face lighted up.

"OMG I haven't been on swings in ages!" He squealed, running over to them like a little child. Scott shook his head grinning and followed the brunette to sit on the swing next to him.

"Umm... Mitch?" Scott whispered, his voice cracking.

"Yeah Scooter?" The 20 year old beamed, looking up at his best friend as he stopped swinging.

"I-I need to tell you er... Tell you something." He told him nervously, looking down at his hands which lay in his lap.

"Well?" Mitch smiled, taking Scott's hands in his. Scott sighed.

"I love you Mitch. I've liked you since we met and I've never had the guts to say it. I understand if you want our friendship to be over, I..." The words flowed out of the blondes mouth sounding goofy.

Mitch dropped Scott's hands slowly and dropped his gaze to the floor.

"Scotland..  I... I don't know what to say.." Mitch whispered, completely shocked in the nicest way possible.

Scott felt tears well up in his eyes and stood up before walking fast to the duck pond to look at the moon.

He let a tear roll down his cheek and let it drop into the shimmering water below.

Footsteps came closer  and Mitch stood next to him, rubbing his arm for heat. The best friends stood like that, just staring into the moonlight for about a minute until Mitch's phone alarm went off.

It was midnight, so Mitch prepared himself and turned to Scott, startling him.

Placing two fingers under Scott's chin, Mitch lifted the blonde head up and looked into those dreamy blue eyes. He then took hold of Scott's head, a hand on each side and leaned in slowly as it began to spit with rain. The kiss was slow and gentle, their lips dancing in rythmm with eachother as Scott placed his hands on Mitch's hips and Mitch wrapped his arms around his best friend's neck. The rain began to pur and the kiss gradually got heated and passionate. Fast, heavy breaths came from the men's noses whilst their mouths were dancing.

Mitch moaned as Scott ran his tongue along Mitch's lower lip, to which Mitchy accepted willingly and a game of tonsil tennis began.

Hands roamed everywhere. Up their shirts, around eachother's necks, down Scott's pants- wait what?!

A loud moan slipped from Scott's mouth and he slammed Mitch against the alley-way wall, continuing to let Mitvch pump Scott's length harder.

Guys what the hell what shall I do with this

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