dont judge what you dont know

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A/n 1. Mitch is really impatient and 2. Even though its his POV there are no details of feelings, soz

Mitch's POV:

"Tell me! What are you hiding from me?!" I scream for the millionth time at Scott, but he looks embarrassed.

"What are you fucking hiding?! You're always texting SOMEONE, you're always gone out to meet someone and you always hide your phone. Why won't you tell me?!" I yell again, anger bubbling up in me. He still remains silent and I snatch his phone from him, but it locks.

"What's the passcode?!" I command sternly and he glares up at me.

"Private." He mutters through his teeth and I scoff.

"Yeah, probably your new boyfriend. Don't cheat on me, Hoying! Because that's the kind of thing you would do, and I WON'T TOLLERATE IT!!" I scream, about to blow.

"I told you, I don't fucking cheat on people!!!" He hollers, standing up from being slumped on the couch. That's enough to make my anger overflow out of my head, and I lose it.

I raise my hand and sharply slap him across the face, leaving a thin, red handprint on his cheek.

The guilt is buried in me so deep, but the expression doesn't come to my face so the frustrated and upset look remains.

His reaction to this is to grab my wrist firmly.

"Look, Mitch. You don't know what I'm hiding. You don't know what I'm doing or why or whatever. I suggest you be patient until I reveal it and stop being an ungrateful nosy bitch!!!!" He states through gritted teeth and I gasp at the comment.

"How DARE you!!" I shout-mutter, if that's a word, and yank my hand away.

"Why do you act as if you like someone else?! I don't understand you!!" I change the subject willingly and he rolls his eyes, showing the red anger in them.

"Mitch, leave it. Don't judge what you don't know! It's my life so don't go messing with it!!" He commands and I turn on my heels.

"How am I supposed to carry on what I'm doing when you could be cutting yourself or something, mourning over something that might not even be happening?! I can't live with uncomfortableness, Mitch." He whispers, still holding his cheek and I slowly turn around.

"Fine. You go and have your fun time with your boyfriend. I'll wait." I announce and he shakes his head.

"You still don't get it. Look, I won't be long. Just... Don't do anything, OK?" He beggs sweetly and I sigh heavily.

"Mmkay." I walk over to the couch and plop down on it, sorry for myself.

The door slamming makes me fall into a heap of sobs, relaxed on the armrest with my head in my arms.

~~~magical time skip (Andreakc500 )~~~~~~~~~

Finally, I hear the door close and I sit up yawning.

3 hours of sleeping on the couch really didn't do me good but, eh. I was tired.

"Mitch?" I hear an unfamiliar voice call and I scramble for my glasses.

Putting them on, I finally recognise Kirstie, Avi and Kevin, who are dressed in black and gold clothes.

Suddenly the three of them start singing sweelty in harmony (and beatboxing), to 'all of me' and I lift my hand to my heart in awe, yet have no idea what is going on!

Suddenly the three of them pop party poppers and Scott emerges from behind them.

And wow, does he look gorgeous?! He's wearing a black suit, exactly the same as Kevin and Avi's, and his hair is gelled back perfectly.

With the rest of the band still singing, Scott walks over to me and kneels in front of me.

He slips a box out of his pocket and I squeal in excitement, realising how stupid I have been earlier in the day.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi..." He sniffs. "Will you take the honor... Of being my lawfully wedded husband?" I immediately slap my hand over my mouth as he opens it and there lies a shiny Ruby on a ring.

"OMG... Yes!!!!!" I scream and start crying, jumping on the man and attacking him with kisses.

Kirstie, Kevin and Avi laugh as Scott picks me up and embraces me in a deep kiss.

"I love you, and I'm so, so, so sorry." I whisper in tears and he hugs me.

"It's alright. I love you too." He whispers.

Hahahah so this went really wrong lol. So basically Scott went out loads trying to find a ring and outfits and stuff and when he was texting someone, it was Kirstie talking about proposing plans.

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