I object

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Mitch's POV:

I stood at the altar nervously with Travis at my side.

We were both wearing suits and it was all so classy in the church.

I mean, Travis was a nice guy and all, but this marriage was forced. I wasn't aloud to say no to his proposal. If I did, he said he would rape me, rape me some more and rape me again. He also said if I told anyone I didn't want to marry him, he was going to rape me, rape me some more and then kill me.

That explains to you why I'm actaully standing at an altar rather than a prison, watching Travis get sentenced for a million years of prison. Pshht. I wish.

But another reason altogether is that I have a massive crush on Scott. Like he would ever want me anyways, we're only friends right...

"Does anyone have any reason why these two should not get married?" The priest asked, peering at the congregation of family and friends over his glasses.

The room was silent and all we could hear was a babie's cough.

Too bad Scott wasn't here yet, was he late in traffic or something? Rude.

Suddenly the doors burst open and there stood a desperate Scott.

"Don't get married to him! I'll be alone in my apartment! Please, Mitchy!" He sobbed on his knees and I dropped the bouquet, running to him.

I made a dangerous move and shrugged at Travis before running out with Scott.

"Scott, he's gonna kill me!" I yelled, climbing in my car and him following.

"No he's not, he'll have to go through me first. Thanks Mitchy, I can't be alone..." He whimpered at the end as I drove off, leaving a cussing Travis.

Two months past and everything was nearly back to normal. No travis or anything

Except Scott's behaviour.

"Scott, can we do a sup3rfruit?" I asked as he pulled his coat on.

"Oh, sorry. I'm going out with Alex. Next week, OK?" He responded and left without a goodbye.


"Hey, can we cuddle?" Is asked and make grabby hands in his direction.

"Awh, I was actually gonna do that with Alex in a minute, I'm sorry boo.." He replied and left.

The next morning he came back at 2 o'clock with a grin plastered on his face.

"Ugh, Scott where were you?! You've been gone for ages it's so late!" I mumbled, sitting up in my bed.

"I'm sorry Mitchy. Its just... Alex proposed... We had a little party and... Well... Yeah. Sorry for leaving you..." He muttered and I fake smiled.

"Omg, congrats!!! You don't seem too happy about it..." I cheered and he smiled.

"Yeah, whatever." He muttered and we cuddled until we fell asleep.


I was late for Scott's wedding.. Shit shit shit shit shit!!!

I peered through the window and checked what timing it was.

"Does anyone have any reason why these two shouldn't get married?" I heard the priest muffle and that's when I flung open the doors and saw them standing there, shocked.

"I object!" I hollered, and the priest raised an eyebrow as to say 'what then'...

"Scott, please don't! I don't wanna be alone! I love you!" I cried.

Scott and Alex looked at eachother and Scott stuck out his toungue at Alex and ran towards me, picking me up and running out into my car.

"Drive, drive!!" I yelled at myself and he smiled at me.

"I... I love you too." He whispered with a hand on my thigh.

I beamed at him and when we got home he knelt on one knee.

"Mitch, will you marry-" he was cut off by my jumping on him and screaming.

"Yes yes yesss!!" I chanted and kissed him passionately. Honestly, it was the best thing ever.


"Does anyone have any reason why these two shouldn't get married?" The priest said and scott and I smiled to eachother.

"Finally we were with the groom we wanted to be with.

Of course, we expected no answer... But we were wrong.

"I object!" We heard two voices yell as the church doors flew open.

There stood an angry Alex and Travis, tear stained and mad.

"Security!!" Scott and I both yelled and they were taken away.

"Then, I pronounce you... Man and man. You may kiss the groom." The priest smiled and I attacked Scott with a kiss.

This is so weird.

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