Can't think of a name 4 this 1

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Mitch's POV:

I flung open the double doors of Martin high school, a smirk plastered on my face and my gang right behind me.

Strolling slowly past people, I watched as even the popular girls cowarded behind their boyfriends. Every person, every NERD, even some of the teachers hid their faces in their lockers or rushed into the nearest classroom, afraid of me.

But this wasn't new to me, no no no. Not in the slightest.

"Mitch, why don't we pick on that kid you've never touched?" I heard Kenton whisper from behind me, his voice echoeing through the silent hall.

I ignored him and noticed a little shaking blonde girl, who was scrambling in her locker for something.

It was hilarious how people would find something, just ANYTHING to distract themselves from me and stop me from picking on them. I was the King, or should I say Queen, around here and no one could deny it.

Being the richest person in the school I earned lots of respect back then, until it became like a little game for me to play around.

Eventually, all that became recognised as bullying.

I wouldn't say it was bullying! Just banter, really. But if it IS serious, it would have a completely respectable reason.

Like someone not giving me sweets when I tell them to, or when someone brushes past me.

Anyways, enough blabber. On with the story.

Just then I saw him. I saw 'that kid who I've never touched' according to Kenton.

His name was Scott, and he was hot. No denieing it, I think pretty much everyone would agree with me. How did I know his name? Pssssht. Comeon, everyone did. When he joined last year he was so popular. He was kind though, and that's what I found disgusting. Why have to ask for something and be so generous when you can just have the popular life to yourself, making people give you stuff and ignoring anyone you hate?

I don't even understand why he's so popular. He's not a nerd, he's not rich, everyone's open to him.

I'm rich, people shun me, and I'm not a nerd. I suppose we were complete opposites.

"Yo, Scottay." I said sassily as I strolled over with my hands in my pockets, and he spun around with an annoyed look.

"What do you want." He whispered and I could tell he was frustrated.

"Hey, why so grumpy?" I asked with a pout and my friends laughed.

"Go away, Mitch. You're not doing anyone a favour." He said darkly, a deep blue washing out the lightness from his eyes.

"Ha! Scotty here's brave, huh?!" Kenton laughed and I smirked.

"I'm not brave, I'm just one of the only people who want to show you what you deserve." He whispered, anger rising in his voice.

He turned around again and started sorting out his books, acting as if I was gonna turn and walk away any moment. Hahaha. No way.

"Excuse me?" I said sarcastically.

"I said, I'm one of the only people who wants to show you what you deserve!" He said, lightly pushing my chest.

"*sigh* dollface, your voice is so quiet I just can't hear you." I teased and the next thing I saw was his hand.

"Shut up!" He yelled, and I winced as the pain stung across my cheek.

"Don't you think you can go around annoying people for fun! Don't go scaring everyone for the sake of your enjoyment! Don't steal from people, don't force people, don't mess around with people! No-one cares if your rich! No one cares if you are hot, OK?!

No one deserves to be played around with by you! The whole of Martin high is sick of you, Grassi, and you know it!!!!!!" He screamed and I stood there in shock.

"Now?" The gang asked me, ready to attack and pound.

"No. Leave him." I said, annoyed and glared at Scott.

I pushed past all the kids crowding around Scott, the gang once again following.

I didn't know what to do.


Finally, the day was over, and I shooed the rest of the gang away.

"Scott." I shouted from the path and he turned around.

"What?" He croaked through his teeth and I lead him to the hill.

"I wanna talk." I whispered and we sat down.

"I'm sorry I slapped you." He spoke up and I scoffed.

"Barbie, I deserve it." I muttered. One little slap instead of all the punishment I should have in return for bullying the helpless people.

Why was I thinking of that?!

He sighed and I laughed, he obviously wouldn't deny it.

"I'm sorry." I started to cry and he rubbed my back.

"Yeah, the whole school would LOVE to hear that." He grinned and I chuckled in my tears.

"Why do I have to be rich? Why can't I be Mr. Nice guy like you?" I whispered, bringing my knees to my chest.

"You think... I'm nice? I fucking slapped you." He laughed.

"Well you're popular. Everyone looks up to you, everyone sees you as a nice guy who isn't gonna hurt anyone."

"What else do people see in me?"

"You're hot.." I blurted and closed my eyes, ready for the shame.

"W-what?" His eyes were wide and I sighed.

"You. Are. Hot."





"No you are." He stopped the pointless conversation and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Thankyou." I smiled slightly and he shrugged.

"I can't deny the truth." He whispered and I felt us lean in.

Suddenly I fell on top of him and we were lying on the grass, making out passionately.

"Sc-scott.." I moaned.

"Yeah...." He whispered as I hovered over him, propped up on my elbows.

"What will they say?" I asked, worried about the schools thoughts.

Scott pecked me on the lips and shook his head.

"We'll work something out." He smiled and I leaned in for another kiss.

Sorry y'all I have NO IDEA what the hell this is.

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