Silence in the court part 2

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"I cant love you" part 2 will be up soon, but meanwhile there are a bunch of part 2s i promised. I recommend re-reading the originals x

Mitch's POV:

Soon enough we arrived at jail. My door opened and I was unbuckled by Scott, carefully. I got out slowly and started to walk with him towards my cell, earning harsh glares from neighbour prisoners. Scott opened my door and came inside with me, sitting me down gently onto my bed.

"Listen... I understand you're probably a little bit in shock, angry and upset," he crouched next to me, "but you've gotta try and stay strong. Ask for me if you need me..." He whispered and tucked my hair behind my ear before standing up and leaving with a soft smile.
"Wait!" I called, but my voice was too quiet and croaky so he didn't hear me.
I started to cry subtly, hugging my knees to my chest and rocking back and forth. What had I done?


A few boring hours passed and it was 9am: time to eat.
A short, muscly man came to my cell and threw an orange all-in-one at me.
"Put this on. Now." He snapped violently and I did so, stripping from my T-shirt and pants to the prisoner-outfit.
"Now follow me." He lead me out of my cell and to a small room, with some tables and chairs made from knackered wood.
I was given a plate of a disgusting brown substance, some hard peas and a runny mashed potato slopped on the side. A glass of murky water was placed in front of me and I sighed in disgust.
Everyone around me started to talk loudly and pick at the shit on their trays, eating it as if they had no choice.
Reaching for my fork, I picked it up and started to try and scoop some of the brown stuff but I was completely drained of energy. Some scruffy-looking men snarled at me and laughed at how pathetic I was.
They were right though, I was pathetic.

"Eat properly!!!" A passing officer screamed in my face and I winced AF his tone.
"Please can you get Scott?" I asked him bravely. I shrunk into myself and cried softly, begging him physically.
The officer glared at me and vanished out of the door, completely ignoring my request.
I stared at my food. Ew. Travis cooked me such nice meals when he was sober. Everything started to become faded and I grew tired and weary.
Eventually, after I had rested my head in my arms on the table, I fell asleep.

I woke up to a figure gently nudging my arm.
"Mr. Grassi? Hey, Mitch? Wake up, please." He spoke and I recognised his voice. I sat up and looked around, I was in my cell again with Scott sat next to me.
I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion and look at him with a smile.
"Listen love, you've got your court trial tonight..." My eyes widened with realisation. Shit.

Ugh guys I can't be bothered to write anymore I'm so tired lol soryyy its short x

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