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OK I LOVES PP2 SO DAMN MUCH and my fav part after PTX was Das sound machine. Honestly... I love them. Their music was incredible. Ok anyways so we're gonna pretend PTX were never in pitch perfect and never became famous with acapella. This is what happened to me. Here we goooo its short but idc


"Ve are Das sound machine." Came the German accent from the cinema screen. Mitch leaned into me from next to me and whispered something to me.

"I don't like it..." He panicked. Mitch had always had problems with his eyes and in cinemas or dark or loud places he would panic and get selfconsious.

The woman continued to talk, her immaculate blonde bun and perfect makeup twirling around the screne of the tour intro in the movie.

"Awhh don't worry... It's ok..." I told him, rubbing his arm up and down in comfort. He looked to me and covered any view of the screen with his hand, looking at me pleadingly and scaredly. I leaned over and hugged him comfortingly. I knew he hated hugs, because he found them uncomfortable but I really wanted him to feel safe and OK.

"Scott!" He whined quietly as the loud aca-dubstep began, blaring from the movie speakers and the lights flashing everywhere.

"Hey its ok, everything will be alright..." I told him, leaning our bodies together and hugging him again. The music started to get louder and I saw him flinch so I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. It was an awkward position, but I didn't mind.

"Are you comfortable? Do you want me to move my arm?" I asked.

"If you want." He retorted. I wasn't sure if it was for my sake or if he actually wasn't comfortable so I took it off in case he didn't like it.

He shot a worried look at me again and I brought ny hand to his arm once more and placed my face by his to make him feel loved.

He relaxed as the music finished and I hugged him again. What was this strange feeling I was getting towards my best friend...?


We were in the lift, playing around for fun because Mitch had a fear of them. He convinced me he wanted to go up and down.

"I just wanna try." He had told me so we were doing it.

I pressed the 1st floor button and the doors shut, immediately making Mitch cling onto me for dear life.

"Omg!" He laughed as we went up and I chuckled in response.

We got our the lift but he dragged me back in again. He seemed confident about it but when we started to go back down again, he hugged me again.

"Is it goi- AHH!" he squealed again but he was enjoying himself. Finally we stopped messing around and went to a street party near our town.

We had got an Indian takeaway and it was like 6pm so it was FREEZING.

"It's so coldddd." He mumbled, pulling the sleeves over his hands adorably.

"Ikr." I replied and leaned into him for a hug. He clung onto my arm and for once in my friendship with him I felt him actually feel something, specifically me. I was so happy as he leaned into me and I leaned my head on his head as he struggled to eat some rice.

We pulled away and he slowly pushed the unfinished meal to me.

"...Do you wanna finish it?" He whispered.

I raised an eyebrow and he nodded, knowing I would eat anything. Which I do. Like even something off the floor I would eat. Ha.

I demolished the food in like 10 seconds until he snuggled into me again for warmth.

"How are you so warm???" He asked rhetorically and earned a chuckle from me in response.

"How are you so cold?" I mimicked. Mitch looked up at me and smiled a goofy brace-face at me. I returned the grin because he was fucking adorable.

Like Becca said to the woman from Das sound machine....

'Just because you're making me confused about my sexuality, doesn't mean you're gonna beat us.'

But he's beating me.

Sorry this is weird idk don't judge.
I want to confess that I haven't been reading other people's stories recently, and I'm so so sorry but I don't have time to get on wattpad. If I do it's to update bc I don't wanna be inactive. Ly lots, stay flawless and I apologize again. Xxx

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