Lets get it on 2

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Idea credit to PTX_Pentaholic99

Mitch's POV:

Scott and I hadn't talked for a long time. Well, like a day. That's a long time in scömíche land.

"Come on, please?" Kirstie nagged at me and I sighed.

"So you want me to be in the audience disguised as someone else, you then picking me out and making Scott perform to me. Seriously?" I scoffed and she hummed.

"Yes! It will work, trust me. You can have a scarf over your nose and mouth... And like a hoodie on and up. Then I'll pick you out, Scott will ask for your name, you lie to him with like... some random name, he'll perform to you and half way through you take your hoodie and scarf off and he'll be like "oh I totally fancy Mitch not Alex" and he'll kiss you and then #SCOMICHE!!" Kirstie fangirled and I sighed.

"Fine." I muttered and got dressed. The performance was in half an hour and we had just finished meet and greet.

"I'll tell Scott that you don't feel well and you went to sleep so you won't perform, ok?" She smiled and walked over to Scott's dressing room.


I had been sitting in the audience for an hour and it was time for the song.

Kirstie jumped in front of Scott and pointed to me, before I walked up on stage and sat down. I was wearing eyeliner and everything and had a scarf covering half my face, my leather jacket covering the rest of me with the hood up.

"What's your name, young man?" Scott asked me and I felt guilty.

"Ben..." I said deeply and mentally laughed at myself for the stupid improvisation.

Kirstie started "wow, wow wow wowww" and the song began, Scott looking uncomfortable and dancing around me.

Suddenly a wave of panic took over me and I threw my jacket off along with my scarf and gasped for air. What, leather is boiling.

"Mitch...?" Scott stopped and the band bit their lips hoping their plan worked work.

"I'm sorry... I... It wasn't me..." I stumbled but was cut off by Scott slamming his lips into mine.

Everything was soon passionate and heated until kevin coughed.

"Yeah yeah, scömíche is real, OK. Now get in with the song!" He whined and the crowd cheered. I looked into Scott's eyes and saw the happiness there, returning a smile and holding his hand.

We sang through, the whole while swaying back and forth and the audience waving their phone torches side to side.

"Let's get it on...." We harmonised the last line and embraced a hug as the crowd went crazy.

So this is my 69th oneshots oh what a shame I didn't do smut.

Scomiche one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora