Mitch Grassi is what?! part 3- happily ever after.

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5 years later

"Lily Grassi-Hoying!" Mitch yelled from the kitchen.

"Get here now!"

"Just let me finish this level, please Dad!!!" Lily yelled back.

"You okay, hun?" Scott asked and wrapped his arms around Mitch's waist.

"Nope. Lily's been up there for 20 minutes now! Her breakfast is cold now!" He replied, snuggling into Scott.

"LILY!!! GET DOWN!!! you've made momma unhappy, now!" Scott yelled and soon later Lilly came down.

"Sorry dads. I HAD to defeat the snow trolls!!!" She explained with an innocent grin on her face.

"Haha. You're lucky you're adorable. Come on. Eat your pancakes!" Mitch whined and flopped on the couch.

"Mitchy..." Scott said, sitting down also.

"Yes Scotty?"

"I can't believe I left it this late, but... Like.. Were not even married and we have a child. Like, our child. One that you gave birth to..."

"Sshh!!! She might hear!" Mitch whispered and carried on. "Yeah I know... Why don't we just... I don't know."

"Mitch Grassi" Scott said.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes. Okay let's go and fill out the forms at the lawyers." Mitch replied as if everything was casual.

Scott chuckled to himself and walked to the car. Kirstie was in the guest room staying over so they didn't have to worry about Lilly.

They hopped in the car and drove to the lawyers, then weere met by a woman with black hair in a Bob.

"Er... Hi, ma'am. We'd like to fill out a marriage form, please?" Mitch asked.

"Of course!" She replied. She left and came back with a pen and paper.

"So if I could ask you to write your names, ages, genders, and family members?" She said and they nodded. They filled it all out and she scanned over the writing.

"Wait, a child?!" She asked, shocked.

"Yeah..." Scott sighed. "A five year old called Lilly."

"Is she adopted?" She asked.

"No.. Um... Scott and I... Um... I... I had her." Mitch said and she turned white. "Um... Alright then, um... That's lovely. I'll um... Hand it in straight away!" She nodded and left into an office, bumping into a wall on the way. She sure was shocked!

"Well, she wasn't exactly... Comfortable!" Mitch sighed. "Nope... Well, a man giving birth isn't quite the believable." Scott replied and hugged Mitch. No, they didn't bother with a wedding. What was the point? They wanted to get on with their lives, together. With Lilly. Happily. Ever. After.

The end!

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