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Omg guys its my 100th oneshot! I wanna thank everyone for 50k reads and for all the support you've given me. Here's a twisted piece of shit to read :). (Idea stole from PtxandSup3rfruit and bruce all mighty and thw break up. :)

"I can't wait for tonight." Mitch grunts, lying half naked on the massage bed on his stomach.

"Ok tell me everything. Like in FULL detail." Kirstie smiles from the other bed and groans as a Chinese woman stomps all over her back.

"Well... Ok. First of all Scott's gonna pick me up and take me to Pierre's. He says he has something important he needs to tell me. Then he says were going to cuddle at home or something. I'm not sure... Lol." The brunette squeals excitedly and hired his lip.

"OMG." Kirstie whispers, her lipsticked mouth hung open.

"What?" Mitch grinned, taking another sip of ice water.

"Don't you know what this means!?" Kirstie 'duh's and smiles.

"No..." Mitch whispers eagerly.

"He's going to propose to you!" Kirstie squealed, earning a hush from the lady on her back.

"Pshhht... No.... Really? Thats-UUUHH." Mitch moaned as his Asian woman stood on his pressure points lol.

"Yes, isn't it obvious??! He's paid for this expensive massage for you AND your best friend, he's gonna take you to THE most expensive restaurant in LA and then you're going to cuddle?! Can't you see?! Hes treating you well, Mitchy, you deserve him. He's a good man." The blonde pointed out and sipped her starbucks acknowledgingly.

Mitch gasped happily and grinned from ear to ear, practically vibrating with happiness.

"Oi, yo wan massage?? Yo bee still! Tank yo! Gee..." The woman on Mitch's back raged and continued to elephant around.

"Whoops..." Micth whispered with a giggle to Kirstgie and she laughed.

"Yeah yo bee kwayet too!" Her woman sighed and they laughed.


Scott pulled out Mitch's chair for him in the restaurant and let him sit down.

"Thanks.." Mitch whispered shyly and folded his hands in his lap.

"So... As you know, I wanted to just have a little chat..." Scott smiles, matching his flawles suit.

Mitch nodded calmly and took a deep breath.

Scott took Mitch's hands in his and began.

"I think we should break up."

"I do!" They chorused.

"What??!!" Mitch let out a frustrated breath and took his shaking hand to his mouth.

"Mittens- look, I'm so, so sorry. It's just... Its not working, babe..." Scott whispered furrowing his eyebrows.

"What do you mean we're not working??? We have a perfect life!!" Mitch whined, starting to cry.

"Yeah, but-"

"What, am I too fat? Ugly? Not as good as you want? A BAD FEYONCE?!" Mitch cut him off, crying and whimpered angrily.

"Wh-what, you thought I was going to propose?" Scott scoffed as politely as he could. With a blink of an eye Mitch was up on his feet and clenching his fists.

"YOU BUY ME AND KIRSTIE AN EXPENSIVE MASSAGE, YOU TAKE ME TO THE RICHEST RESTAURANT IN TOWN AND THEN YOU SAY WE'RE GOING TO CUDDLE?! What kind of a dickhead does that when they're breaking up with someone?!" Mitch yelled, spitting everywhere.


"STOP! Stop calling me names. We. Are. Done. I can ASSURE you that we won't be cuddling tonight!" Mitch sassed, snatching his purse from the floor and stropping off.

What am I doing??

By the way I have an extremely amazing smutty thing up next to stay tuned! :D xxstay Fcute my little llamacorns!

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