Mitch Grassi is what?! - part 2: perfect

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Devoted to @lolaaa_xx 

i dont know why i wrote this it was so random but u wanted part 2 so here you go. in this part mitch is 8 and a half months pregnant.

it had been a tiring day and the couple were watching TV. their whole living room was packed with cradles and toys.

"how you feeling?" scott asked.

"would you stop asking that every minute! im fine, ok!? sheesh! im just gonna go to the bathroom." mitch replied really moodily.

"alright, mr. grumpy pants. i was just checking." scott muttered under his breathe and heard a scream from the toliet. scott leaped up and slammed open the bathroom door to see mitch there with his hands clutched on his belly and leant against the wall.

"the babys coming, scott! the baby is coming!!!" mitch yelled tensing up and going pale. he was shaking and moaning and sweating everywhere. there was a patch of water on the floor underneath him. shit. the waters broke. "oh my gosh! um... er... are you sure its not a false alarm or something?!" scott said trying to calm him down.

"just take me to the fucking hospital, scott!" mitch yelled so scott picked him up and threw himself and mitch in the car. they were half way to the hospital when a huge traffic jam arose.

"shhhit!" scott said and beeped his horn before running his hand through his hair. he looked over at mitch who had his hands and feet pushed against the nearest surface and moaning in pain.

"this isnt happening....ugh fuck it! i dont care what happens to my car!" scott jumped out of the door and pulled mitch out, who arched his back and squirmed in pain. he left his car there followed by yells and shouting from other drivers. then he ran all the way to the hospital.

"scooooott!!!!!!! now! its coming!!!" mitch cried and scott ran into the nearest room and lay him on the bed. a nurse and a doctor were there and at the end of the bed.

"eee.....aaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaa!!!!!!" mitch yelped several times whilst the baby came out, but scott didnt care about the baby. he wanted to see if mitch was ok.

"mitch, are you ok?! breathe! MITCH?!?!?!" scott yalled, as he watched as mitch slowly relaxed his eyelids and shut them, the color fading from him sloghtly. "OH MY FUCKING GOSH! doctor, is he okay!?!?!?!?!" scott panted and the nurse shoved him out of the room scott banged on the door and watched through the window as tons of surgents came in and buzzed around him.

'its all my fault!' scott thought. 'ALL MY FAULT!!! IM THE ONE WHO GOT HIM IN THIS MESS! IS HE DEAD?!' suddenly scott began to cry and h fell into a chair sobbing.

half an hour later...

scott was awoke by a loud squeak.  he straightened up in the chair he had been waiting in and cried when he saw who it was. Mitch was in a wheelchair with some sort of a cast around his hips. hes so skinny, his body probably couldnt handle it!!! 

"hey scott." mitch croaked. his face was nice and colorful again, but his voice was weak from screaming. Mitch opened up his arms to reveal a tiny, fragile baby. it had bright blue eyes but its hair wasnt visible. it was wrapped in a blanket and was curled up against mitch. scott saw some dirty looks of astonishment from the people around but ignored them.

"oh my gosh, mitch are you ok?! i thought you were dead!" scott cried and kissed mitch before holding the baby in his hands. "AWwwwh baby i am fine! my hips were too narrow for it, realy. i wont be able to walk for another year." mitch sighed. all that birth giving and pregnancy was REALLY exhausting. "phew! im glad youre okay, hun. isnt...she? she adorable?! what do you wanna name her?" scott asked and kiss the little baby on the forehead.

"hm..... lily. lily grassi-hoying. how does that sound?" mitch smiled before scott replied...


a/n sorry this was crazy. i can write part 3 if you really want but personally i think this is rubbish. luv y'all!!!! <3 x

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