But... we're only gonna mess it up again!

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"And HELLOOOO!" Scott flung my bedroom door wide open and strolled casually in with all his 'swagger'. I rolled my eyes and stood up straight from collecting laundry off the floor, folding my arms.
"Mhm I totally invited you. Just make yourself at home, why don't you?" I sassed with just a small hint of sarcasm dripping from my voice.
My boyfriend suddenly pinned me to the wall, shocking me and driving me crazy.
"Come on... Just one little fuck? Don't be a pussy, Mitchy." He whispered seductively, a cold and forceful tone projecting onto my neck. His hands roamed down my waistline and palmed me over my pants and earned a sharp gasp from me.
"Well you're not getting any of this 'pussy', because Mom told me to clean my room. Look at the state of this place!" I threw my arms out to the sides and gestured to my shipwreck of a room.
"What's the point? Just clean it after, we're only gonna mess it up more..."
"Scotty, Scotty, Scotty. Just get out, we can have a nice fuck later, at yours."
"But I don't wanna messy room eithe-"
Scott bent down and licked my ear before exiting my den. I smiled from ear to ear, and continued to tidy the place up.

Idk what this wassss I'm sorry. BTW you have FOUR. WHOLE. UPDATES. Coming on the way. One's smutty and long, the others are pretty short and weird. So... Yeah. Spammm!

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