Cancer and mutation part 2

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Scott had been slumped in a chair for half an hour waiting for Mitch. He had done these exact things four times in the past fortnight. Mitch came out still shaking, but he had his oxygen tank with him and the tubes attached to his nose.

"Mr. Hoying..." A blonde lady with a white nurses gown said. "...your friend is fine. He's going to have to now have his oxygen tank at all times now, because he didn't stick to our rules, remember!" Scott nodded and took Mitch out of the hospital and back to the car. The doctors told Scott and Mitch a few months ago that Mitch had to have his oxygen tank with him 4 times a week. Mitch hadn't obeyed those rules though. Now, it was getting too dangerous so he had to have it permanently.

"Scott..." Mitch whispered as they were driving to their apartment. "Why do you do all this for me? Aren't you sick of it? Sick of me?" Mitch awaited for a response but Scott was unreadable. He brushed a hand through his hair and carried on driving.

"Scott.... Just please. Talk to me." Mitch sighed.

Scott just shot Mitch a 'seriously!?' Look and Mitch sat up.

"Not like that, silly! Just like... I don't know. Write it down when we're home." Scott wiped a small tear from his eye and shook his head. He REALLY wanted to tell Mitch his feelings but was scared it would ruin their friendship. So did Mitch. He thought that if he told Scott then he might lock him out forever.

"Scott!!!! You are going to write down what is wrong on a piece of paper as soon as we get home, you understand me?!" Mitch yelled. Scott was scared by the sudden movement and didn't notice a dear crossing the road.
Scream. Flash. Thud. Dust. Sirens. Black.

Scott slowly opened his eyes to see himself in a white bed. He looked over to Mitch who was sitting at the side of his and crying.

"Scott... I'm so sorry... Sorry.... I... I did this! What have I done?!" Mitch sobbed stroking Scott's hair. Scotts looked down at his body, seeing patches of blood growing on his white clothes. Suddenly the heart beat on Scott's heart monitor started to go faster. Beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeep. "Scott!? SCOTT!! NOOO!" Mitch yelled and spluttered out some water and blood.

Then, darkness.

Scott and Mitch both sat up in bed at the same time. They were panting, sweating and crying.

"Oh, Scott!!" Mitch cried and buried his face into Scott's chest.

"I love you." Mitch whispered. Scott smiled. They had survived the crash and were now in the hospital, awaken from the death nightmare. Mitch looked up at Scott and whispered again. "Not in that way Scott. I REALLY love you. " "I love... I love you too." Scott mouthed.  Mitch couldn't help but lean in. He kissed him really deep, surprisingly Scott kissed back, slipping his mouth away, before what was now his boyfriend, curled up and went to sleep.

A/n hi guys!!! Requests for one shots, please? :) plz comment and vote. Dedicated to: @clemonlime

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