Wrong number 2

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Thanks @Clemonlime for helping me out!

My heart has shattered into a million little pieces, and I think it's Scott's job to pick them all up.

I slowly trudge into the kitchen, about to get myself some water.

I'm careful to not make much noise at what I do and I'm standing at the sink when I gear footsteps.

"Hey, Mitch..." He whispers and scratches his neck awkwardly.

"Hey." I gulp back embarassment, voice squeaking slightly and the butterfly feeling still sulking around in me.

"Listen," Scott walks over and leans himself on the sideboard.

"... I'm sorry about the call, I just... I clicked on the wrong contact that's all. I'm so sor-"

"It's fine." I force a smile onto my lips and shake my head. Nervousness, fear, sadness, depression and hope mixed and bubbles up my throat, and I'm not sure it was just them.

Holding my mouth, I rush to the bathroom and lean over the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach into it.

"Mitch... Omg, are you ok?" I hear Scott worry and flush before he sees.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine." I lie, getting really upset and scared.

"OMG Mitch... You're shaking! What's up?" He catches me from nearly falling over and feels my head.

I feel tears start to buildup in my eyes, overflowing over my waterline.

"I'm fine. Honestly. Just... Go." I shake, gently pushing away leaving him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Mitch, come on how can I help?" He asks concerned but my sadness takes over me.

"STOP! " I scream, before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. Just... Please go..." I whimper, running in my room and slamming the door angrily.

Why was he so fucking oblivious?!

"Mitch... Is there anything I did wrong? It's not that much of a big deal, come on..." He whispers, causing me to sob even harder.

"MAYBE YOU SHOULD BE BOTHERED TO CHECK IF THE PERSON YOU'RE RINGING ISNT THE ONE WHO FANCIES YOU!!!" I yell, and that's it; I've spilled over the edge and I hear a surprised sharp breath on the other side of the door.

My mouth hurts after my hand smacked it shut, tears stopping in shock of what I just confessed.

"Mitch..." He sighs and I bang my fist against the door.

"Just GO!!" I whisper-yell, tears flooding down my face.

I hear a sad huff as footstep sounds faintly fade.
What have I done?

Guys I'm sorry this isn't very good... Can I have ideas for part 3?

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