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Heyyyy so this is like @ptxandsuperfruit's oneshot about beauty and the beast. But... Its Cinderella.

Mitch's POV:

I stared down at my red, blistered hands and winced.

My stupid stepfather, 'Sir Tremaine' as we at told to call him, makes me work ALL the time. It's not fair!

"Oi, Mitcharella!!?? Get back to work, ya faggot!!!" Alex, my stepbrother yelled and I let a tear roll down my dirty cheek.

I grabbed the rag in front of me and continued to scrub away at the mouldy floor of the kitchen.

"Oh, and whilst you're at it, make us dinner, will you?" Travis, my other step brother exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

A loud rhythm of tooting made me jump on my feet, and I relaxed when I saw a man dressed in uniform with a trumpet to his lips.

"Please bow, for the prince of LA!!" He boomed whilst Sir Tremaine, Alex and Travis trotted in with their spa outfits on.

I gaped as a tall, handsome blonde with blue eyes walked through the kitchen door and scanned his eyes across the room.

His eyes stopped at me and I realised I was staring...

"Gentlemen, I, Prince Scott, am inviting you all to a ball, tonight at 7pm. I am the host, and I expect to see you there..." He drifted off at the end, looking at me.

"Very well...." Sir Tremaine smirked and the Prince swept out of the door with a wave if his cape thing.

"Oh... My...gosh!!!!" Travis and Alex chorused and jumped up and down.

"Please can we go, please, Daddy!!" They begged and I cringed at their name for him.

"Of course, my darlings! As for Mitcharella.... Ew. Slaves aren't allowd to go out...." He glared at me and the three of them left the room, laughing.

I threw the rag down, furiously and ran outside, to my favourite place; the woods.

The woods was a place that was quiet, calm and relaxing. I would always talk to the birds, for no reason...

"It's not fair!" I cried, sitting on a tree stump and letting a small robin perch in my finger.

"Why do they get to go!? They're just three ugly old men!" I asked the robin and huffed.

"Not that the prince would want me... But then why was he giving me those looks? Oh, Scott..." I talked to myself and asked myself the same questions until I heard a yell.

"Oh, shit..." I sighed and the bird flew away, as I stood up and trudged back into the house.

I gasped as I walked in to see the three of them in hideous suits, with the most unfashionable shoes I've ever seen... Their hair was all in the same style, combed to the side. It looked disgusting.

"Mitcharella, we're going to the ball. You stay here... Do not touch any of our things, and if I find one thing out if place I'll make you do chores naked. Got that?!" Sir Tremaine snapped and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course, Sir. But just one thing..." I smirked and he raised an eyebrow.

"Ronald McDonald called and he wants his shoes back..." I laughed at my joke and they glared at me.

"Don't. Touch. Anything." Travis croaked and they turned on their heels and left.

"Finally, I'm free!!!!" I yelled to the ceiling and ran into the living room, bouncing up and down on the couch.

I laughed and played until my smile turned upside down.

"... But I STILL can't go to the party...." I whimpered and sulked off to the woods again.

"Mitcharella!" I heard a whisper and spun around to see no one.

"Mitcharella..." It came again and I slowly backed away when I saw a man.

He was a muscular, black, shortish man, a foot higher than me. His hair was bleach blonde, really short, and his eyes were a dark brown.

He was wearing a glittery white suit and blazer, quite camp for a man like him.

"Oh, don't worry, hun. I'm just here to help..." He said sassily and I smiled inside.

"Um... Who are... You?" I asked, looking him up and down and he pulled out a gold stick from his pocket. He let out a little chuckle and I sat down.

"Why, I'm Todrick Hall, your fairy God... Um.... Father. I'm here to make you go to the ball!" He explained and I laughed hysterically.

"You???!!! Me??! Ball??!!......... God father?!!!!" I burst out laughing and pinched my arm.

"Yes, really. Just stand up, young man..." He said acting way more serious now.

"Alright alright hun!" I giggled and stood up, immediately falling down when I felt a zap against every inch if my body.

"Hey! You didn't even warn m- oh.... My gosh!!" I gasped as I looked down at my black suit with red outlined on the stitches.

It... Was.. Beautiful!!

"Yeah yeah, you're welcome whatever. Er... Dya have a pumpkin or something??" He asked and I pulled him to our vegetable and fruit garden.

"Well, I'm sorry but I don't have a pumpkin... I have a watermelon..." I whispered and his face lit up.

"Perfect!" He flicked his wand thingy towards the green fruit and watched an electrical line shoot at it.

I was so filled with awe as it was now a big, silver round carriage with green ribbons on it.

"Now, um... Do you possible have any mice or something?" He asked. It was obvious he had asked these questions before...

"Well, them I DO have." I laughed and clicked my tongue.

'Come out!" I sang and the two rodents crawled out of a hole in the ground.

Todrick, or my fairy godfather as he calls himself, transformed them into two, short footmen dressed in green and red suits.

I laughed at how ridiculous they looked and watched Toddy whistled to the housekeeper's dog, Kevin.

Kevin plodded along, his brown shaggy fur flapping in all directions.

"Do you um... Mind?" He raised an eyebrow and I nodded, suspicious.

In no time there was a white, beautiful majestic horse stood in front of me and I stroked his fur.

"Oh my daise... Thanks so much!" I clapped my hands excitedly and jumped in the carriage, waving at the man.

"Your welcome, honey!!" He called ams I gave him a big grin as I was carried off into the distance.

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