Freedom part 2

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Hi this is part 2 I'm scared where this is gonna go..

Scott's POV:

"You don't care! Nobody cares! You'll never love me back!" These words echoed through my head as I swam to the surface with Mitch in my arms.

"Scott!!!" Alex called from the bridge. I gasped for air and swam to the bank, ignoring him and laying Mitch on the bank to do CPR.

I pumped and pumped but it wasn't working!
I can't try giving him the kiss of life. It will ruin me and Alex... Scott, this is your best friend! I thought as I repeatedly did CPR.

I bent down and was about to breathe into him, when I heard Alex yell.

"Scott... Don't you dare kiss him!!" I ignored him again and locked our mouths, beginning to breathe air into him.

Suddenly his head shot up and he spluttered out some water before lying back down and opening his eyes weakly.

"Scott..." He whispered and blinked as the raindrops hit his face.

"Mitch..." I replied, crying and caressing his face with my thumb.

"Why are you doing this?" He cried and I held him close to me.

"You're my best friend, Mitch! I love you!"

"Yeah but not in that way.." He whispered, but I heard.

"Mitch... You know I love you as a best friend. But I could never love you like that. We're too close. I'm sorry!" I sobbed and his cries only got louder.

He lay there for about 10 minutes, sniffing and crying until he fell asleep.

I picked him up and walked to Alex who gave me an angry stare.

"I know you enjoyed that. You Bitch." He said coldly, water dripping from his hair.

"Alex, I swear... I wanted to keep my best friend alive! You know I love you!" I whisper yelled to not wake Mitch up and he turned around with his head facing the floor.

"Go fuck him!" He yelled and started to walk, which is where I cried and ran to our house.

I laid Mitch on my bed and stripped him, then wiping him with a towel then slipping on him some pants and a shirt.

"Mitch... Please understand. I'm going through a really hard time right now. Please wakeup!" I cried and he only snored and turned over. I decided to put him under the covers and join him after a shower.

After a shower

I cuddled up with Mitch under my covers, wearing my onsie, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Goodnight Mitchy." I whispered and kissed the top of his head before joining him and dozing off.

Hi so Mitch was asleep for most of that but who can blame him..

Part 3?

Scomiche one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora