This plot is very relevant part 3

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Hi, so now that my life has moved on I can finally update.
This chapter is all set in the dojo, if you didn't know its basically the venue where you do martial arts.
This story is about Aikido, 'the art of peace'.
Enjoy! (This happened today btw)

Mitch's POV:

I was kneeling down in a row next to Scott and some small kid.

For the whole time of warming up and stretching, I was making silly faces at Scott and him at me, our usual routine.

Normally I would accidentally get foundation on his Gi (martial art kit) which was funny but whatever.

We always make funny comments and jokes to eachother or laugh at each other's faces of concentration.

"OK. Kevin, I want you to come up and show them the strangle defence." Dan, the aikido instructor commanded and the man went to the front.

I watched as Dan stood behind him, grabbed the collar of his Gi with one hand and gripped on Kevin's other arm with his other hand.

"Now, you basically have to do anything to slip out of this attack, ending in any aikido end position. Mmkay?" He explained to everyone else and Kevin did a move on Dan.

"Okay, now everyone have a go..."

Scott and I (as we were always parteners) stood up and I went behind him because I was better at aikido than him, and somehow I was stronger because he was a dancer and everything. He was so elegant and couldn't even fall down properly!!

I roughly but lightly grabbed onto his Gi and held his other arm.

Trying to do a move to get out, he got tangled in my arms and we both laughed. I lightened my grip on him and hugged around him, which he found really awkward but I loved the feeling of.

He laughed, blushing as we waddled forward and tripping over.

"Gosh, Mitch..." He giggled and I pulled a stupid face. How the hell do you flirt...?

It was his turn and he stood behind me, pressing my pressure points which he knew I HATED!

"Aaaarrgghh! Scott!" I yelped, laughing.

He giggled and held my shoulder elegantly, holding my arm with his hand as light as a feather. Why couldn't he just hug me and hold me properly? *sigh.*

I tried to do a move, anything to get out but it turns out he was pretty strong...

Cheeks on fire, I spun around to get out but we landed face to face...

He awkwardly coughed as I stared at his gorgeousness and we laughed, pulling away.

Suddenly Dan clapped twice and we all knelt down again.

"OK now Avi, I want you to come up and help me with this one.

This is kind of a game, where you sit down, back to back, and on the count of three you turn around and attack eachother. Whoever is attacked better is pushed to the floor and held down by the opponent, him lying on top. Go and give it a go.." He explained as the brunette walked up and helped with the demonstration.

Scott and I sat down on our butts, back to back.

"One... Two... Three!" Scott giggled and he full on attacked me, whilst I play screamed.

He laughed as Dan's assistant, Alex walked over and sat next to Scott. He was like... Super old, straight and married with kids so I had no worries.

For 5 minuted I lay there, waiting for Scott to do what he was supposed to do when he finally agreed with what we were doing and he pinned me to the floor, girlishly.

"Come on..." I laughed as he was pushed down on me by alex. We were face to face, laughing, him lying on top of me. I had to try and get out but I couldn't because I was laughing so hard and we were stuck there, unable to breathe or move, faces only 5cm away from eachother....

I was getting really uncomfortable and horny so I managed to push him away and we gasped for air.

"OMG!!" I burst out laughing and we sat there in hysterics for ages.

Alex winked and walked away and I sighed.

Imagine doing that EVERYDAY!!!

That would be amazing...

. This is weird.
But, its my life story for tonight so there. Xxx

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