Give me love Ed Sheeran

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Dedicated to @andreakc...

Give me love like him,

Mitch hugged his body close, the image of Scott proposing to Alex throbbing in his mind.

Scott told him he loved Mitch. He told him he wanted to marry him. He told him all these statements which he took back, after seeing Mitch kissing Travis. It was all a big mistake. Travis popped out of no where in the street and mouth raped the poor brunette. Now he had lost EVERYTHING.

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,

He sat on his bed, drowning his face with the salty misery that fell from his red rimmed eyes. Glancing around, he remembered he was actually on earth, not in hell. The dusty grey duvet laid across the stiff cold mattress. The furniture scattered around the place. The smashed paintings and framed photos hanging from the peeling walls. The rips on the wallpaper from when Mitch had scraped his nails through it leaving horrifying marks.

Then the alarm clock, shattered and broken with all its wires and cables sticking out.

Oh, how he hated waking up to dim sunlight and no warm, sexy body lying next to him.

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,

He glanced down at his soaked 'surfboard' shirt which he had worn for the last 2 weeks.

Told you I'd let them go,


"Again, I'm so, so, SO sorry, Mitch. But you broke my heart so... Its best for us. Are you sure you'll be OK?" Scott asked, not making contact with the heartbroken brunette.

"Yeah... I'll be fine.." He smiled sadly.

*flashback over*

And that I'll fight my corner,

Mitch was tucked up in the corner of his room, going over all his flaws.

He was ready for more violence, pain, anger and suffering. Just... Hopefully he would find a reason to not end his life.

Maybe tonight I'll call ya,

Mitch stared at his iPhone, lying helplessly on the floor next to him. Should he call Scott and tell him how he felt? No. Yes. No. NO.

After my blood turns into alcohol,

Two wine glasses lay in the untouched living room, from 2 weeks ago when Scott and him were eating together. The rose red liquid had fallen out as they fell from the edge of the coffee table and stained the dusty old rug.

Kinda like blood.

No, I just wanna hold ya.

Letting out a strangled sob, he flung his head back against the wall. Why was life so unfair?! He had had everything taken from him! Kirstie was dead from a car accident, Scott had left him, Travis would rape him, and Kevin and Avi were on holiday.

How Mitch wished he could have the same, broad body be looked after by and hugged and kissed by.

Give a little time to me or burn this out,
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,


"Eight... Five... Ten!! Coming!" 5 year old Scott giggled and ran excitedly upstairs.
"Hmmm... Where is he??" He sighed loudly for attention and earned a loud laugh from 4 year old Mitch, somewhere.
"I know... There you are!!" Scott chirped, flinging open the closet door and jumping in next to the brunette.
"You're my bestest bestest fwend in ever!!" Mitch goggled and they gave eachother a hug.

*flashback over*

All I want is the taste that your lips allow,


"Nine... Ten!! Coming babe!" 21 year old Scott called out and flung the closet door open.
"There you are!!" He chirped childishly and jumped in next to the brunette.
"You're my bestest friend and boyfriend in ever!" Mitch giggled, quoting from years ago and pulled Scott I'm for a deep, emotional kiss.

*flashback over*

My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, give me love,

Mitch sang those words over again and chuckled maniacally when he remembered doing an Ed Sheeran impression in sup3rfruit. Oh, sup3rfruit.

Give me love like never before,
'Cause lately I've been craving more,

"I want more..." Mitch whispered to himself, wiping a year from his eye. "Please, Scott..." He whimpered more to himself than Scott.

And it's been a while but I still feel the same,

"I HAVEN'T CHANGED!!!" He sobbed to the ceiling and cried more.

Maybe I should let you go,

"How could I possibly forget you...?" He whispered, examining a smashed photo frame with a picture of scömíche kissing.

*song travel forward*

A man may drink and not be drunk

"Did I kiss back... Was I drunk?? No, I had one shot. Just one. Why did I kiss back... Stupid Travis..." He repeated to himself rocking back and forth on the spot.

A man may fight and not be slain

"I've got through so, so, SO much... What else do you want..?!?!" He yelled upwards towards God.

"Why are you helping me now by keeping me going?! After taking EVERYTHING from me you decide to let me fucking live?!"

A man may court a pretty girl
And perhaps be welcomed back again

(A/n I have no idea what that means so I'll skip it)

But since it has so ought to be
By a time to rise and a time to fall

"What am I? Dead? Alive? Seriously?!" He said quickly, pulling at his hair.

Come fill to me the parting glass

Mitch had had enough of his crazy, torturous thoughts. He stumbled up to his bed and lay, sniffling before curling up and hugging himself.

Good night and joy be with you all
Good night and joy be with you all

Mitch whispered before drifting into a hellish nightmare of sleep.

So... Comment it was weird.

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